Year 1 Schedule

 NOTE: REVISED June 2011                            

Year 1                               3 Terms                              36 Week Schedule

A Charlotte Mason Education also includes:
DAILY- handwriting, math, foreign language, recitation
WEEKLY- nature study, picture study, composer study, singing, handicrafts and science shelf.

Daily Checklists available at the Charlotte Mason Help Support Group


Week 1
The Children's Bible (daily readings): Creation, Eden, Fall, Cain
Child's History of the World ch 1 Creation
Leif the Lucky by D'Aulaire –Take 2 wks to complete
Aesop: The Wolf and the Kid
Tortoise and the Ducks
Just So Stories: Whale
Child's Garden of Verses: a poem every day
Paddle to the Sea: ch. 1,2
Among the People- rd 2 chapters of your choice
James Herriot's Treasury for Children: Moses the Kitten

Week 2
The Children's Bible (daily readings) : Noah, Babel
Life in the Great Ice Age ch 1,2
Child's History of the World ch 2 Stone Age
Leif the Lucky by D'Aulaire
Aesop: Belling the Cat
The Eagle and the Jackdaw
Paddle to the Sea: ch. 3,4,5
Child's Garden of Verses: a poem every day
Just So Stories: Whale
Among the People- rd 2 chapters
James Herriot's Treasury for Children: Moses the Kitten

Week 3
Wisdom and the Millers- read all week
Life in the Ice Age: ch 3,4
This Country Of Ours: ch. 2, Columbus
Child's History of the World ch 3 Bronze, Iron Age
Aesop:The Boy and the Filberts
Hercules and the Wagoner
Child's Garden of Verses: a poem every day
Paddle to the Sea: ch6,7
James Herriot's Treasury for Children: Only One Woof
Just So Stories: Camel
Among the People-rd two Chapters

Week 4
Wisdom and the Millers- read all week
Life in the Ice Age: ch 5
Child's History of the World ch 4,5- Mesopotamia
Label and color a map of Mesopotamia or make a salt map
Ancient World p3-9-Introduce Sumer
This Country Of Ours: ch. 3, Columbus
Aesop:The Kid and the Wolf
The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse
Child's Garden of Verses: a poem every day
Paddle to the Sea: ch. 8,9
Among the People- rd 2 chapters
James Herriot's Treasury for Children: Only One Woof
Just So Stories: Camel

Week 5
Wisdom and the Millers- read all week
Child's History of the World ch 6a -Egypt, Rosetta Stone
Label and color a map of Egypt (keep this simple) or make a salt map
Pharaohs and Pyramids (take 2 wks to read this book)
Ancient World p 10-11
This Country Of Ours: ch. 4, Columbus
Paddle to the Sea: ch. 10,11
Aesop:The Fox and the Grapes
The Bundle of Sticks
Child's Garden of Verses: a poem every day
James Herriot's Treasury for Children: The Christmas Day Kitten
Just So Stories: Rhino
Among the People-rd two Chapters

Week 6
Wisdom and the Millers- read all week
Hillyer's Child's History of the World: ch. 6b Menes
Pharaohs’ and Pyramids (take two wks to read this book)
Paddle to the Sea: ch12,13,14
Aesop:The Ass and his Driver
The Oxen and the Wheels
Child's Garden of Verses: a poem every day
James Herriot's Treasury for Children: The Christmas Day Kitten
Among the People- rd two chapters
Just So Stories: Rhino

Week 7
Wisdom and the Millers- read all week
Hillyer's Child's History of the World: ch. 7 Cheops, pyramids, mummies
Ancient World p 12-13
Tut’s Mummy Lost and Found (rdr)
This Country Of Ours: ch. 5, How America was named
Paddle to the Sea: ch.15,16
Aesop:The Lion and the Mouse
The Shepherd Boy and the Wolf
Child's Garden of Verses: a poem every day
James Herriot's Treasury for Children: Bonny’s Big Day
Among the People- rd two chapters
Just So Stories: Leopard

Week 8
The Children's Bible (daily readings) : Abraham, Isaac
Hillyer's Child's History of the World: ch. 8 Code of Hammurabi
Ancient World p28
This Country Of Ours: ch. 6, Flag of England planted on New World
Aesop:The Gnat and the Bull
The Plane Tree
Child's Garden of Verses: a poem every day
James Herriot's Treasury for Children: Bonny’s Big Day
Paddle to the Sea: ch. 17,18
Just So Stories: Leopard
Among the People-rd two Chapters

Week 9
The Children's Bible (daily readings) :Jacob
Ancient World pg 30-35
Paddle to the Sea: ch. 19,20
Aesop:The Farmer and the Stork
The Sheep and the Pig
Child's Garden of Verses: a poem every day
Herriot’s Treasury: Blossom Comes Home
Just So Stories: Elephant’s Child
Among the People-rd two Chapters

Week 10
The Children's Bible (daily readings) : Joseph
This Country Of Ours: ch. 7, Flag of France was Planted in Florida
Paddle to the Sea: ch21,22
Aesop:The Travelers and the Purse
The Lion and the Ass
Child's Garden of Verses: a poem every day
Herriot’s Treasury: Blossom Comes Home
Just So Stories: Elephant’s Child
Among the People-rd two Chapters

Week 11
The Children's Bible (daily readings) : Moses
Hillyer's Child's History of the World: ch. 9, Abram to Moses *optional
Ancient World p38-39
Paddle to the Sea: ch. 23,24
Aesop:The Frogs who Wished for a King
The Oak and the Reeds
Child's Garden of Verses: a poem every day
Among the People- rd two chapters
James Herriot’s Treasury for Children: The Market Square Dog
Just So Stories: Kangaroo

Week 12
The Children's Bible (daily readings): Judges
Ancient World p36-37
This Country Of Ours: ch. 8, How the French founded a colony in Florida
Aesop: The Boys and the Frogs
The Crow and the Pitcher
Child's Garden of Verses: a poem every day
Paddle to the Sea: ch. 25,26,27
James Herriot’s Treasury for Children: The Market Square Dog
Just So Stories: Kangaroo
Among the People-rd two chapters

Optional exam week


Week 13
The Children's Bible (daily readings) :-Saul, David
Hillyer's Child's History of the World: ch. 10, Greek myths
Label and color a map of Greece or make a salt map
This Country of Ours: ch. 9, Spaniards drove the French out of Florida (Matanzas)
Aesop's Fables: The Ants and the Grasshopper
The Ass Carrying the Image
A.A. Milne: a poem a day
James Herriot’s Treasury: Oscar, Cat-About-Town
Just So Stories: Armadillos
Among the People-rd two chapters
Charlotte Mason’s Elementary Geography-two chapters weekly

Week 14
The Children's Bible (daily readings) :-David
Hillyer's Child's History of the World: ch. 11,Troy and Homer
The Trojan Horse (rdr)
Ancient World p20-27
Aesop's Fables: A Raven and a Swan
The Two Goats
A.A. Milne: a poem a day
James Herriot’s Treasury: Oscar, Cat-About-Town
Just So Stories: Armadillos
Among the People-rd two chapters
Charlotte Mason’s Elementary Geography-two chapters weekly

Week 15
The Children's Bible (daily readings) :-Solomon and the Temple
Ancient World 38-41
Hillyer's Child's History of the World: ch. 12, 13, Jews, Cadmus, Phoenicians
This Country of Ours: ch. 10, How Dominique de Gourges avenged the death…
Aesop's Fables:The Ass and the Load of Salt
The Lion and the Gnat
A.A. Milne: a poem a day
Just So Stories: First Letter
Herriot’s Treasury: Smudge, the Little Lost Lamb
Among the People-rd two chapters
Charlotte Mason’s Elementary Geography-two chapters weekly

Week 16
The Children's Bible (daily readings) :-The Kingdom divides
Hillyer's Child's History of the World: ch 14
Aesop's Fables: The Leap at Rhodes
The Wild Boar and the Fox
A.A. Milne: a poem a day
Among the People- rd two chapters
Just So Stories: First Letter
Herriot’s Treasury: Smudge, The Little Lost Lamb
Among the People-rd two chapters
Charlotte Mason’s Elementary Geography-two chapters weekly

Week 17
The Children's Bible (daily readings) :-Ahab, Elijah, Elisha, Naaman
Hillyer's Child's History of the World: ch. 15, Olympic games
Ancient World p52-53
This Country of Ours: ch. 11, The adventures of Sir Humphrey Gilbert
Aesop's Fables: The Ass, the Fox and the Lion
The Birds, the Beasts and the Bat
A.A. Milne: a poem a day
Among the People- rd two chapters
Just So Stories: Alphabet
James Herriot's Treasury for Children:Catch up if needed
Charlotte Mason’s Elementary Geography-two chapters weekly

Week 18
The Children's Bible (daily readings) :(opt prophets-Hosea, Amos, Micah), Jonah
Hillyer's Child's History of the World: ch. 16, Romulus and Rome
Aesop's Fables: The Lion, the Bear and the Fox
The Hares and the Frogs
A.A. Milne: a poem a day
Among the People-rd two chapters
Just So Stories: Alphabet
Burgess Bird Book: choose birds in your area to study throughout the term
Charlotte Mason’s Elementary Geography-two chapters weekly

Week 19
The Children's Bible (daily readings) :-(opt Isaiah), Captivity of Northern Kingdom/ Israel by Assyrians, Senn tries to capture Jerusalem but God smites the army in the night, Josiah
Hillyer's Child's History of the World: ch. 17, Sennacherub, Fall of Ninevah and Assyrians
Read poem of Sennacherub by Lord Byron if you wish
Ancient World p42-45
This Country of Ours: ch. 12, Sir Walter Raleigh
Aesop's Fables: The Fox and the Stork
The Travelers and the Sea
A.A. Milne: a poem a day
Among the People-rd two chapters
Burgess Bird Book
Just So Stories: Crab
Charlotte Mason’s Elementary Geography-two chapters weekly

Week 20
The Children's Bible (opt Jeremiah) Capt. of Southern Kingdom/Judah by Babylon, Shadrach, Mechak, Abednego
Hillyer's Child's History of the World: ch. 18, Babylon and Nebuchadnezzar
Ancient World p46-47
Aesop's Fables: The Stag and his Reflection
The Peacock
A.A. Milne: a poem a day
Among the People-rd two chapters
Burgess Bird Book
Just So Stories: Crab
Charlotte Mason’s Elementary Geography-two chapters weekly

Week 21
The Children's Bible (daily readings) :-Daniel, Beltshazzar and Fall of Babylon
Hillyer's Child's History of the World: ch. 19, Cyrus, Medes and Persians
Ancient World p 48-49
This Country of Ours: ch. 13, Captain John Smith
A Lion to Guard Us: ch 1-4
Aesop's Fables: The Mice and the Weasels
The Wolf and the Lean Dog
A.A. Milne: a poem a day
Among the People-rd two chapters
Just So Stories:Cat
Burgess Bird Book
Charlotte Mason’s Elementary Geography-two chapters weekly

Week 22
The Children's Bible (daily readings) :- Darius, Daniel and the Lions'Den
Hillyer's Child's History of the World: ch. 20, India, Buddha
Ancient World p70-71
This Country of Ours: ch. 14, Captain John Smith
A Lion to Guard Us: ch5-8
Aesop's Fables: The Vain Jackdaw and his Borrowed Feathers
The Monkey and the Cat
Among the People- rd two chapters
Just So Stories:Cat
Burgess Bird Book
Charlotte Mason’s Elementary Geography-two chapters weekly

Week 23
Wisdom and the Millers- read all week
A Lion to Guard Us: ch9-12
Hilllyer’s Child’s History of the World: ch 21 China
Ancient World p 60-65
Aesop's Fables: The Dogs and the Hides (pg. 51)
The Bear and the Bees (pg. 52)
A.A. Milne: a poem a day
Among the People-rd two chapters
Just So Stories: Butterfly
Burgess Bird Book
Charlotte Mason’s Elementary Geography-two chapters weekly

Week 24
Wisdom and the Millers- read all week
Hillyer's Child's History of the World: ch. 22, Draco, Solon of Greece
This Country of Ours: ch. 15, How Jamestown was saved
A Lion to Guard Us: 13-16
Aesop's Fables: The Fox and the Leopard (pg. 52)
The Heron (pg. 54)
A.A. Milne: a poem a day
Among the People-rd two chapters
Just So Stories: Butterfly
Burgess Bird Book
Charlotte Mason’s Elementary Geography-two chapters weekly

Optional Exam Week


Week 25
Children’s Bible: Cyrus, \Jews return home, Temple rebuilt
Hillyer's Child's History: ch. 23, Tarquin, Brutus and Heroes of Rome
Pocohontas by D’Aulaire
A Lion to Guard Us; 17-20
Aesop's Fables: The Fox and the Goat
The Cat, the Cock and the Young Mouse
Favorite Poems Old and New or Lewis Carroll: a poem a day
Burgess Bird Book
Among the People- rd two chapters
Snow White and Other Fairy Tales by Grimm- take 2 wks to rd each tale
Charlotte Mason’s Elementary Geography-two chapters weekly

Week 26
Wisdom and the Millers/ Polite Moments
Hillyer's Child's History: ch. 24, Persia and the Greeks at Marathon
This Country of Ours: ch. 17, Fighting with the Indians
Pocohontas by D’Aulaire -spend two wks on this
A Lion to Guard Us: ch 21-end
Aesop's Fables: The Wolf and The Shepherd
The Farmer and His Sons
Favorite Poems Old and New or Lewis Carroll: a poem a day
Among the People- rd two chapters
Burgess Bird Book
Snow White and Other Fairy Tales by Grimm- take 2 wks to rd each tale
Charlotte Mason’s Elementary Geography-two chapters weekly

Week 27
Wisdom and the Millers/ Polite Moments
Hillyer's Child's History: ch. 25, Themistocles Aristides Xerxes
This Country of Ours: ch. 18, Conflict with the King
Aesop's Fables: The Goose and the Golden Egg
The Astrologer
Favorite Poems Old and New or Lewis Carroll: a poem a day
Among the People- rd two chapters
Burgess Bird Book
Snow White and Other Fairy Tales by Grimm- take 2 wks to rd each tale
Charlotte Mason’s Elementary Geography-two chapters weekly

Week 28
Wisdom and the Millers/ Polite Moments
Hillyer's Child's History: ch. 26, Greece Xerxes Persia
Ancient World p 50-51,
This Country of Ours: ch. 19, Coming of the Cavaliers
Aesop's Fables: Three Bullocks and a Lion
Favorite Poems Old and New or Lewis Carroll: a poem a day
Burgess Bird Book
Among the People- rd two chapters
Snow White and Other Fairy Tales by Grimm- take 2 wks to rd each tale
Charlotte Mason’s Elementary Geography-two chapters weekly
DK Great Wonders of the World by Russell Ash-you may want to peruse this book now with your child

Week 29
Bible: (optional) Artaxerxes and Ezra, 2nd return of Jews
Hillyer's Child's History: ch. 27, the Golden Age, Athens, Pericles
This Country of Ours: ch. 20, Bacon's Rebellion
Aesop's Fables: The Wolf in Sheep's Clothing
The Milkmaid and her Pail
Favorite Poems Old and New or Lewis Carroll: a poem a day
Burgess Bird Book
Among the People- rd two chapters
Snow White and Other Fairy Tales by Grimm- take 2 wks to rd each tale
Charlotte Mason’s Elementary Geography-two chapters weekly

Week 30
The Children's Bible (daily readings) : Children's Bible- Nehemiah rebuilds wall (and 3rd return of Jews)
Hillyer's Child's History: ch. 28, Sparta, Peloponnesian War, Socrates
Ancient World p 54-55
This Country of Ours: chap 21. Knights of the Golden horseshoe
Aesop's Fables: The Goatherd and the Goat
The Wolf and the Housedog
Favorite Poems Old and New or Lewis Carroll: a poem a day
Burgess Bird Book
Among the People- rd two chapters
Snow White and Other Fairy Tales by Grimm- take 2 wks to rd each tale
Charlotte Mason’s Elementary Geography-two chapters weekly

Week 31
Wisdom and the Millers/ Polite Moments
Hillyer's Child's History: ch. 29, Demosthenes, Alexander
This Country of Ours: ch. 22, Pilgrim Fathers
Squanto, Friend of the Pilgrims (take 2 wks to read)
If you Sailed on the Mayfloweryou may wish to read this optional bk now
Aesop's Fables: The Quack Toad
The Cat and the Fox
Favorite Poems Old and New or Lewis Carroll: a poem a day
Burgess Bird Book
Among the People- rd two chapters
Snow White and Other Fairy Tales by Grimm- take 2 wks to rd each tale
Charlotte Mason’s Elementary Geography-two chapters weekly

Week 32
Wisdom and the Millers/ Polite Moments
Hillyer's Child's History: ch. 30, Alexander the Great
Ancient World p56-57
This Country of Ours: ch. 23, Founding of Massachusetts
Squanto, Friend of the Pilgrims (take two wks to read)
Aesop's Fables: Two Travelers and a Bear
The Dog and His Reflection
Favorite Poems Old and New or Lewis Carroll: a poem a day
Among the People- rd two chapters
Burgess Bird Book
Snow White and Other Fairy Tales by Grimm- take 2 wks to rd each tale
Charlotte Mason’s Elementary Geography-two chapters weekly

Week 33
Wisdom and the Millers/ Polite Moments
Hillyer's Child's History: ch. 31, Carthage (Punic Wars)
Label and color a map of Rome or make a salt dough map
Ancient World p 80-81
This Country of Ours: ch. 24, Harry Vane
Aesop's Fables: The Hare and the Tortoise
The Fox and the Crow
Favorite Poems Old and New or Lewis Carroll: a poem a day
Burgess Bird Book
Among the People- rd two chapters
Snow White and Other Fairy Tales by Grimm- take 2 wks to rd each tale
Charlotte Mason’s Elementary Geography-two chapters weekly

Week 34
Wisdom and the Millers/ Polite Moments
Hillyer's Child's History: ch. 32, Carthage Hannibal
Ancient World p 82-83
This Country of Ours: ch. 25, Anne Hutchinson
Aesop's Fables: The Lions Share
The Northwind and the Sun
Favorite Poems Old and New or Lewis Carroll: a poem a day
Burgess Bird Book
Among the People- rd two chapters
Snow White and Other Fairy Tales by Grimm- take 2 wks to rd each tale
Charlotte Mason’s Elementary Geography-two chapters weekly

Week 35
Wisdom and the Millers/ Polite Moments
Hillyer's Child's History: ch. 33, Rome gladiators Cornelia
Ancient World p 84-87
This Country of Ours: ch. 27, Quakers
Aesop's Fables: The Ass in the Lion's Skin
The Bees, and Wasps and the Hornet
Favorite Poems Old and New or Lewis Carroll: a poem a day
Burgess Bird Book
Among the People- rd two chapters
Snow White and Other Fairy Tales by Grimm- finish book
Charlotte Mason’s Elementary Geography-two chapters weekly

Week 36
Use for exams or catch up