Charlotte Mason Help

Year 3 Schedule

                                                                     36 Week Schedule

Revised June 2011

Daily Checklists can be found at the Charlotte Mason Help support group.

DAILY- handwriting, math, foreign language, recitation
WEEKLY- nature study, picture study, composer study, singing, handicrafts and science shelf.

Week 1
The One Year Bible For Kids
How the Bible Came to Us:  ch1, contents, ch2
Hillyer's Child's History: ch. 66, Renaissance
Michelangelo by Diane Stanley 1 of 3 wks
RA This Country of Ours: ch. 64, Washington
RA Biography: Carry On, Mr Bowditch ch1
The Lewis and Clark Expedition ch1
Pilgrim’s Progress part 2 approx 4pgs
Beautiful Stories from Shakespeare (spend 2wks on each tale)
Caddie Woodlawn: ch. 1, 2
(William Blake): one poem a day
The Heroes:  Perseus part 1
Seabird: rd 2 chapters
The Bible Smuggler: rd one chapter
Water Babies rd 11 to 12 pgs
Chronicles of Narnia
Draw 50 People
Exploring Creation with Astronomy

Week 2
The One Year Bible For Kids
How the Bible Came to Us:  ch3,4
Hillyer's Child's History: ch. 67, Martin Luther, Henry VIII
Michelangelo by Diane Stanley 2 of 3 wks
This Country of Ours: ch. 65, Adams
Biography:  Carry On, Mr Bowditch ch2
The Lewis and Clark Expedition ch2
The Heroes:  Perseus pt2
Caddie Woodlawn: ch. 3, 4
Pilgrim’s Progress part 2 approx 4pgs
(William Blake): a poem a day
Beautiful Stories from Shakespeare(spend 2wks on each tale)
Seabird: rd 2 chapters
The Bible Smuggler: rd one chapter
Water Babies rd 11 to 12 pgs
Chronicles of Narnia
Draw 50 People
Exploring Creation with Astronomy

Week 3
The One Year Bible For Kids
How the Bible Came to Us:  ch5,6
Hillyer's Child's History: ch. 68, Elizabeth
Michelangelo by Diane Stanley 3 of 3 wks
This Country of Ours: ch. 66, Jefferson
Biography: Carry On, Mr Bowditch ch3
The Lewis and Clark Expedition ch3
Caddie Woodlawn: ch. 5, 6
Pilgrim’s Progress part 2 approx 4pgs
(William Blake): a poem a day
Beautiful Stories from Shakespeare (spend 2wks on each tale)
The Heroes:  Perseus pt3
Seabird: rd 2 chapters
The Bible Smuggler: rd one chapter
Water Babies rd 11 to 12 pgs
Chronicles of Narnia
Draw 50 People
Exploring Creation with Astronomy

Week 4
The One Year Bible For Kids
How the Bible Came to Us:  ch7,8
Hillyer's Child's History: ch. 69, Raleigh Virginia Shakespeare
This Country of Ours: ch. 67, Jefferson
Biography: Carry On, Mr Bowditch ch4
The Lewis and Clark Expedition ch4
Caddie Woodlawn: ch. 7, 8
(William Blake): a poem a day
Heroes: Perseus pt 4 first half
Biography: Shakespeare, Bard of Avon 4pgs
Beautiful Stories from Shakespeare(spend 2wks on each tale)
Seabird: rd 2 chapters
The Bible Smuggler: rd one chapter
Water Babies rd 11 to 12 pgs
Chronicles of Narnia
Draw 50 People
Exploring Creation with Astronomy

Week 5
The One Year Bible For Kids
How the Bible Came to Us:  ch9,10
Hillyer's Child's History: ch. 70, James Stewart Tudors Pilgrims
This Country of Ours: ch. 68, Jefferson
Biography: Carry On, Mr Bowditch ch5
The Lewis and Clark Expedition ch5
Caddie Woodlawn: ch. 9, 10
(William Blake): a poem a day
Biography: Shakespeare, Bard of Avon 4pgs
Beautiful Stories from Shakespeare (spend 2wks on each tale)
The Heroes:  Perseus pt4 second half
Seabird: rd 2 chapters
The Bible Smuggler: rd one chapter
Water Babies rd 11 to 12 pgs
Chronicles of Narnia
Draw 50 People
Exploring Creation with Astronomy

Week 6
The One Year Bible For Kids
How the Bible Came to Us:  ch11,12
Hillyer's Child's History: ch. 71, Cromwell Charles William and Mary
This Country of Ours: ch. 69, Madison
Biography: Carry On, Mr Bowditch ch6
The Lewis and Clark Expedition ch6
Caddie Woodlawn: ch. 11, 12
(William Blake): a poem a day
Heroes: Perseus pt5
Biography: Shakespeare, Bard of Avon 4pgs
Beautiful Stories from Shakespeare (spend 2wks on each tale)
Pilgrim’s Progress part 2 approx 4pgs
Seabird: rd 2 chapters
The Bible Smuggler: rd one chapter
Water Babies rd 11 to 12 pgs
Chronicles of Narnia
Draw 50 People
Exploring Creation with Astronomy

Week 7
The One Year Bible For Kids
How the Bible Came to Us:  ch13,14
Hillyer's Child's History: ch. 72, Richelieu, King Louis's
This Country of Ours: ch. 70, War of 1812
Biography: Carry On, Mr Bowditch ch7
The Lewis and Clark Expedition ch7
Caddie Woodlawn: ch. 13, 14
(William Blake): a poem a day
Biography: Shakespeare, Bard of Avon 4pgs
Beautiful Stories from Shakespeare (spend 2wks on each tale)
Pilgrim’s Progress part 2 approx 4pgs
The Heroes:  Argonauts pt1
Seabird: rd 2 chapters
The Bible Smuggler: rd one chapter
Water Babies rd 11 to 12 pgs
Chronicles of Narnia
Draw 50 People
Exploring Creation with Astronomy

Week 8
The One Year Bible For Kids
How the Bible Came to Us:  ch15,16
Hillyer's Child's History: ch. 73, Charles of Sweden, Peter the Great
This Country of Ours: ch. 71, Monroe
Biography: Carry On, Mr Bowditch ch8
The Lewis and Clark Expedition ch
Caddie Woodlawn: ch. 15, 16
(William Blake): a poem a day
Heroes: Argonauts pt 2
Biography: Shakespeare, Bard of Avon 4pgs
Pilgrim’s Progress part 2 approx 4pgs
Seabird: rd 2 chapters
The Bible Smuggler: rd one chapter
Water Babies rd 11 to 12 pgs
Chronicles of Narnia
Draw 50 People
Exploring Creation with Astronomy

Week 9
The One Year Bible For Kids
How the Bible Came to Us:  ch17,18
Hillyer's Child's History: ch. 74 Frederick the German, Maria Thresa
This Country of Ours chap 72, John Quincy Adams- Tariff of Abominations
Biography: Carry On, Mr Bowditch ch9
The Lewis and Clark Expedition ch9
Caddie Woodlawn: ch. 17, 18
(William Blake): a poem a day
Biography: Shakespeare, Bard of Avon 4pgs
Beautiful Stories from Shakespeare (spend 2wks on each tale)
The Heroes:  Argonauts pt 3
Seabird: rd 2 chapters
The Bible Smuggler: rd one chapter
Water Babies rd 11 to 12 pgs
Chronicles of Narnia
Draw 50 People
Exploring Creation with Astronomy

Week 10
The One Year Bible For Kids
How the Bible Came to Us:  ch19,20
Hillyer's Child's History: ch. 75, American Revolution
This Country of Ours: 73a, Jackson
Biography: Carry On, Mr Bowditch ch 10
The Lewis and Clark Expedition ch10
Caddie Woodlawn: ch. 19, 20
(William Blake): a poem a day
Heroes: Argonauts pt 4  (1of 3)
Beautiful Stories from Shakespeare (spend 2wks on each tale)
Pilgrim’s Progress part 2 approx 4pgs
Seabird: rd 2 chapters
The Bible Smuggler: rd one chapter
Water Babies rd 11 to 12 pgs
Chronicles of Narnia
Draw 50 People
Exploring Creation with Astronomy

Week 11
The One Year Bible For Kids
How the Bible Came to Us: catch up if needed
This Country of Ours ch. 73b Van Buren
Biography: Carry On, Mr Bowditch ch11
The Lewis and Clark Expedition ch11, 12
Caddie Woodlawn: ch. 21,22
Pilgrim’s Progress part 2 approx 4pgs
(William Blake): a poem a day
Biography: Shakespeare, Bard of Avon 4pgs
Beautiful Stories from Shakespeare (spend 2wks on each tale)
The Heroes:  Argonauts part 4  (2 of 3)
Seabird: rd 3 chapters
The Bible Smuggler: rd one chapter
Water Babies rd 11 to 12 pgs
Chronicles of Narnia
Draw 50 People
Exploring Creation with Astronomy

Week 12
The One Year Bible For Kids
How the Bible Came to Us: finish book
Biography: Carry On, Mr Bowditch ch12
This Country of Ours: ch 74 Harrison
The Lewis and Clark Expedition ch13,14
Caddie Woodlawn: ch 23,24
(William Blake): a poem a day
Biography: Shakespeare, Bard of Avon:  finish book
Pilgrim’s Progress part 2 approx 4pgs
The Heroes:  Argonauts pt 4 (3 of 3)
Seabird: finish book
The Bible Smuggler: rd one chapter
Water Babies rd 11 to 12 pgs
Chronicles of Narnia
Draw 50 People
Exploring Creation with Astronomy

Exam Week

Week 13
The One Year Bible For Kids
Polite Moments 2
Hillyer's Child's History: ch. 76, French Revolution, Marie Antoinette
This Country of Ours: ch. 75, Tyler
Child's Book of America
Biography: Carry On, Mr . Bowditch 13
The Princess and the Goblin-rd 2 or 3 ch
Beautiful Stories from Shakespeare (spend 2wks on each tale)
Poetry of Sarah Teasdale and Hilda Conkling: a poem a day
Seterra geography drills
The Heroes:  Argonauts part 5 (1 of 2)
Chronicles of Narnia
Draw 50 People
Exploring Creation with Astronomy
Dinosaurs By Design-3 to 4 pgs weekly

Week 14
The One Year Bible For Kids
Polite Moments 2
Hillyer's Child's History: ch. 77, Napoleon
This Country of Ours: ch. 76, Polk
Child's Book of America
Biography:  Carry On, Mr Bowditch ch14
The Princess and the Goblin-rd 2 or 3 ch
Pilgrim’s Progress part 2 approx 4pgs
Poetry of Sarah Teasdale and Hilda Conkling: a poem a day
Seterra geography drills
The Heroes:  Argonauts part 5  (2 of 2)
Chronicles of Narnia
Draw 50 People
Exploring Creation with Astronomy
Dinosaurs By Design-3 to 4 pgs weekly

Week 15
The One Year Bible For Kids
Polite Moments 2
This Country of Ours: ch. 77, California Gold Rush
Biography: Carry On, Mr Bowditch ch15
Child's Book of America
The Princess and the Goblin-rd 2 or 3 ch
Pilgrim’s Progress part 2 approx 4pgs
Poetry of Sarah Teasdale and Hilda Conkling: a poem a day
Beautiful Stories from Shakespeare (spend 2wks on each tale)
Seterra geography drills
The Heroes:  Argonauts pt6
Chronicles of Narnia
Draw 50 People
Exploring Creation with Astronomy
Dinosaurs By Design-3 to 4 pgs weekly

Week 16
The One Year Bible For Kids
Polite Moments 2
Hillyer's Child's History: ch 78 South America Bolivar
This Country of Ours: ch. 78, Taylor
Child's Book of America
Biography: Carry On, Mr Bowditch ch16
The Princess and the Goblin-rd 2 or 3 ch
Pilgrim’s Progress part 2 approx 4pgs
Poetry of Sarah Teasdale and Hilda Conkling: a poem a day
The Heroes: Theseus pt1
Beautiful Stories from Shakespeare (spend 2wks on each tale) ch
Seterra geography drills
Chronicles of Narnia
Exploring Creation with Astronomy
Dinosaurs By Design-3 to 4 pgs weekly

Week 17
The One Year Bible For Kids
Polite Moments 2
Hillyer's Child's History: ch. 79, Classical Music
This Country of Ours: ch. 79, Underground Railroad
Child's Book of America
Biography: Carry On, Mr Bowditch ch17
Biography: Wanted Dead or Alive: Harriet Tubman
The Princess and the Goblin-rd 2 or 3 ch
Pilgrim’s Progress part 2 approx 4pgs
Poetry of Sarah Teasdale and Hilda Conkling: a poem a day
Beautiful Stories from Shakespeare (spend 2wks on each tale) ch
Seterra geography drills geography drills
The Heroes:  Theseus pt 2  (1 of 4)
Chronicles of Narnia
Draw 50 People
Exploring Creation with Astronomy
Dinosaurs By Design-3 to 4 pgs weekly

Week 18
The One Year Bible For Kids
Polite Moments 2
Child’s history of the World: ch 80 first part- Crimean War, Florence Nightingale
Child's Book of America
Biography: Carry On, Mr Bowditch ch18
This Country of Ours: ch. 80, John Brown
The Princess and the Goblin-rd 2 or 3 ch
Pilgrim’s Progress part 2 approx 4pgs
Poetry of Sarah Teasdale and Hilda Conkling: a poem a day
The Heroes: Theseus pt 2 (2 of 4)
Beautiful Stories from Shakespeare (spend 2wks on each tale) ch
Seterra geography drills
Chronicles of Narnia
Draw 50 People
Exploring Creation with Astronomy
Dinosaurs By Design-3 to 4 pgs weekly

Week 19
The One Year Bible For Kids
Polite Moments 2
This Country of Ours: ch. 81 Mormons
Child's Book of America
Biography: Carry On, Mr Bowditch ch19
The Princess and the Goblin-rd 2 or 3 ch
Pilgrim’s Progress part 2 approx 4pgs
Poetry of Sarah Teasdale and Hilda Conkling: a poem a day
Beautiful Stories from Shakespeare (spend 2wks on each tale) ch
Seterra geography drills
The Heroes:  Theseus pt 2  (3 of 4)
Chronicles of Narnia
Exploring Creation with Astronomy
Dinosaurs By Design-3 to 4 pgs weekly

Week 20
The One Year Bible For Kids
Polite Moments 2
This Country of Ours: ch. 82, First shots of the Civil War
If you grew up with Abraham Lincoln
Child's Book of America
Biography: Carry On, Mr Bowditch ch20
The Princess and the Goblin-rd 2 or 3 ch
Pilgrim’s Progress part 2 approx 4pgs
Poetry of Sarah Teasdale and Hilda Conkling: a poem a day
The Heroes: Theseus pt 2  (4 of 4)
Beautiful Stories from Shakespeare (spend 2wks on each tale)
Seterra geography drills
Chronicles of Narnia
Draw 50 People
Exploring Creation with Astronomy
Dinosaurs By Design-3 to 4 pgs weekly

Week 21
The One Year Bible For Kids
Polite Moments 2
This Country of Ours: ch. 83, Bull Run to Fort Donelson
Child's Book of America
Daily Life in a Southern Plantation
Biography: Carry On, Mr Bowditch ch21
The Princess and the Goblin-rd 2 or 3 ch
Pilgrim’s Progress part 2 approx 4pgs
Poetry of Sarah Teasdale and Hilda Conkling: a poem a day
Beautiful Stories from Shakespeare (spend 2wks on each tale)
Seterra geography drills
The Heroes:  Theseus pt 3
Chronicles of Narnia
Exploring Creation with Astronomy
Dinosaurs By Design-3 to 4 pgs weekly

Week 22
One Year Bible For Kids
Polite Moments 2
This Country of Ours: ch. 84, First battle between Ironclads
Child's Book of America
Biography: Carry On, Mr Bowditch ch22
The Princess and the Goblin-rd 2 or 3 ch
Pilgrim’s Progress part 2 approx 4pgs
Poetry of Sarah Teasdale and Hilda Conkling: a poem a day
The Heroes: Theseus pt 4
 Beautiful Stories from Shakespeare(spend 2wks on each tale)
Seterra geography drills
Chronicles of Narnia
Draw 50 People
Exploring Creation with Astronomy
Dinosaurs By Design-3 to 4 pgs weekly

Week 23
The One Year Bible For Kids
Polite Moments 2
This Country of Ours: ch. 85, Shiloh
Child's Book of America
Biography: Carry On, Mr Bowditch ch23
Pilgrim’s Progress part 2 approx 4pgs
Poetry of Sarah Teasdale and Hilda Conkling: a poem a day
The Princess and the Goblin-rd 2 or 3 ch
Beautiful Stories from Shakespeare (spend 2wks on each tale)
The Heroes:  Twelve Labours of Heracles -Introduction
Seterra geography drills
Chronicles of Narnia
Draw 50 People
Exploring Creation with Astronomy
Dinosaurs By Design-3 to 4 pgs weekly

Week 24
The One Year Bible For Kids
Polite Moments 2
This Country of Ours: ch. 86, Emancipation Proclamation
Child's Book of America
Biography: Carry On, Mr Bowditch -finish book
Princess and the Goblins-finish book
Pilgrim’s Progress part 2 approx 4pgs
Poetry of Sarah Teasdale and Hilda Conkling: a poem a day
The Heroes: Twelve Labours of Heracles -Nemean Lion
Beautiful Stories from Shakespeare (spend 2wks on each tale)
Seterra geography drills
Chronicles of Narnia
Draw 50 People
Exploring Creation with Astronomy
Dinosaurs By Design-3 to 4 pgs weekly

Exam Week

Week 25
The One Year Bible For Kids
Hero Tales 1
This Country of Ours: ch. 87, Chancellorsville, ch. 88, Gettysburg
Jungle Book: ch. 1 Mowgli's Brothers
Pilgrim’s Progress part 2 approx 4pgs
Poetry of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow: a poem a day
Beautiful Stories from Shakespeare (spend 2wks on each tale)
Dinosaurs By Design-3 to 4 pgs wkly
The Heroes:  Twelve Labours of Heracles-Lernean Hydra
Tree in the Trail  2 chapters
Chronicles of Narnia
Draw 50 People
Exploring Creation with Astronomy

Week 26
The One Year Bible For Kids
Hero Tales 1
This Country of Ours: ch. 89, Grant's Campaign
Jungle Book: ch. 2 Kaa's Hunting
The Heroes: Twelve Labours of Heracles- Stag of Aenoe
Pilgrim’s Progress part 2 approx 4pgs
Poetry of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow: a poem a day
Beautiful Stories from Shakespeare (spend 2wks on each tale)
Dinosaurs By Design-3 to 4 pgs wkly
Tree in the Trail 2 chapters
Chronicles of Narnia
Draw 50 People
Exploring Creation with Astronomy

Week 27
The One Year Bible For Kids
Hero Tales 1
This Country of Ours: ch. 90, Sherman
Jungle Book: ch. 3 Tiger-Tiger
Pilgrim’s Progress part 2 approx 4pgs
Poetry of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow: a poem a day
Beautiful Stories from Shakespeare (spend 2wks on each tale)
Biography: Buffalo Bill (1st of 3 wks)
Dinosaurs By Design-3 to 4 pgs wkly
The Heroes:  Twelve Labours of Heracles-Wild Boar of Erymanthus
Tree in the Trail  2 chapters
Chronicles of Narnia
Draw 50 People
Exploring Creation with Astronomy

Week 28
The One Year Bible For Kids
Hero Tales 1
Hillyer's Child's History: ch. 80 second half- Abraham Lincoln
This Country of Ours: ch. 91, End of the war, death of Lincoln
Jungle Book: ch. 4 The White Seal, ch. 5 Rikki-Tikki-Tavi
The Heroes: catch up, if necessary
Pilgrim’s Progress part 2 approx 4pgs
Poetry of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow: a poem a day
Beautiful Stories from Shakespeare (spend 2wks on each tale)
Biography: Buffalo Bill (2nd wk)
Dinosaurs By Design-3 to 4 pgs wkly
Tree in the Trail  2 chapters
Chronicles of Narnia
Draw 50 People
Exploring Creation with Astronomy

Week 29
The One Year Bible For Kids
Hero Tales 1
This Country of Ours: ch. 92, Johnson
Biography: Buffalo Bill (3rd wk)
DK 20th Century: p8-15 (1900-02) (begin century chart)
The Story of the World Vol 4 ch17a The Boxer Rebellion (optional)
(SOTW is not used until year 4, but this chapter is recommended for this event if you have it)
Jungle Book: ch. 6 Toomi of the Elephants (ch 7 opt)
Pilgrim’s Progress part 2 approx 4pgs
Poetry of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow: a poem a day
Beautiful Stories from Shakespeare (spend 2wks on each tale)
Dinosaurs By Design-3 to 4 pgs wkly
The Heroes:  Twelve Labours of Heracles- Augean Stables 
Tree in the Trail  2 chapters
Chronicles of Narnia
Draw 50 People
Exploring Creation with Astronomy

Week 30
The One Year Bible For Kids
Hero Tales 1
Hillyer's Child's History: ch. 81, Prussia 
This Country of Ours: ch. 93, Grant
 DK 20th Century: p16-23 (1903-05)
Jungle Book: ch. 8 How Fear Came
The Heroes: Twelve Labours of Heracles-Stymphalian Birds
Pilgrim’s Progress part 2 approx 4pgs
Poetry of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow: a poem a day
Beautiful Stories from Shakespeare (spend 2wks on each tale)
Dinosaurs By Design-3 to 4 pgs wkly
Tree in the Trail  2 chapters
Chronicles of Narnia
Draw 50 People
Exploring Creation with Astronomy

Week 31
The One Year Bible For Kids
Hero Tales 1
Hillyer's Child's History: ch. 82, Inventions
This Country of Ours: ch. 94, Hayes, Garfield, Arthur
DK 20th Century: p24-31(1906-08)
Jungle Book:ch. 9 The Miracle of Purun Bhagat
Pilgrim’s Progress part 2 approx 4pgs
Poetry of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow: a poem a day
Dinosaurs By Design-3 to 4 pgs wkly
The Heroes:  Twelve Labours of Heracles-Wild Bull of Crete
Tree in the Trail  2 chapters
Chronicles of Narnia
Draw 50 People
Exploring Creation with Astronomy

Week 32
The One Year Bible For Kids
Hero Tales 1
This Country of Ours: ch. 95, Cleveland, Harrison, Cleveland
DK 20th Century: p32-39 (1909-11)
Biography: Out of Darkness Louis Braille (1st of 2 wks)
Jungle Book: ch. 10 Letting in the Jungle, (11opt)
Pilgrim’s Progress part 2 approx 4pgs
Poetry of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow: a poem a day
Beautiful Stories from Shakespeare (spend 2wks on each tale)
Dinosaurs By Design-3 to 4 pgs wkly
The Heroes: Twelve Labours of Heracles -Mares of Diomede
Tree in the Trail  2 chapters
Chronicles of Narnia
Draw 50 People
Exploring Creation with Astronomy

Week 33
The One Year Bible For Kids
Hero Tales 1
Hillyer's Child's History: ch.83. Industrial Revolution
This Country of Ours: ch. 96, McKinley
DK 20th Century: p40-47 (1912-13)
Biography: Out of Darkness Louis Braille (2nd of 2 wks)
Jungle Book: ch. 12 The King's Ankus
The Heroes: Twelve Labours of Heracles-Girdle of Hippolyte
Pilgrim’s Progress part 2 approx 4pgs
Poetry of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow: a poem a day
Beautiful Stories from Shakespeare (spend 2wks on each tale)
Dinosaurs By Design-3 to 4 pgs wkly
Tree in the Trail  2 chapters
Chronicles of Narnia
Draw 50 People
Exploring Creation with Astronomy

Week 34
The One Year Bible For Kids
Hero Tales 1
This Country of Ours: ch. 97, Roosevelt, Taft
DK 20th Century: p48-55 (1914-16)
Biography: Thomas Alva Edison (1st of 2wks)
Jungle Book:  ch. 13 Quiquern
Pilgrim’s Progress part 2 approx 4pgs
Poetry of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow: a poem a day
Beautiful Stories from Shakespeare (spend 2wks on each tale)
Dinosaurs By Design-3 to 4 pgs wkly
The Heroes:  Twelve Labours of Heracles-Geryon the Monster
Tree in the Trail  2 chapters
Chronicles of Narnia
Draw 50 People
Exploring Creation with Astronomy

Week 35
The One Year Bible For Kids
Hero Tales 1
This Country of Ours: ch. 98, Wilson
DK 20th Century: p56-63 (1916-18)
Biography: Thomas Alva Edison (2nd of 2 wks)
Jungle Book: ch. 14 Red Dog
Pilgrim’s Progress part 2 approx 4pgs
Poetry of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow: a poem a day
Beautiful Stories from Shakespeare (spend 2wks on each tale)
Dinosaurs By Design-3 to 4 pgs wkly
The Heroes:  Twelve Labours of Heracles-Golden Apples of the Hesperides
Tree in the Trail  3 chapters
Chronicles of Narnia
Exploring Creation with Astronomy

Week 36
The One Year Bible For Kids
Hero Tales 1
Hillyer's Child's History: ch. 84 WW1
This Country of Ours: ch 99, The Great War l
DK 20th Century : p62-69 (1918-19)
Jungle Book: ch. 15 The Spring Running
Pilgrim’s Progress part 2 approx 4pgs
Poetry of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow: a poem a day
Beautiful Stories from Shakespeare (spend 2wks on each tale)
Dinosaurs By Design-3 to 4 pgs wkly
The Heroes:  Twelve Labours of Heracles-Dog Cerberus and pg199-201, 206-215
Tree in the Trail finish book
Chronicles of Narnia
Draw 50 People
Exploring Creation with Astronomy

Exam Week