Charlotte Mason Help

Year 4 Program and Books

For private daily bible reading children may use:
Girl of Beauty by Fiddler OR Boyhood and Beyond by Schultz
Youth Bible Study Notebook by Souter

Sunday books:
Polite Moments Vol 4 by Gary Maldaner
Hero Tales Vol 2 by Dave and Neta Jackson

The King's Daughter and other Stories for Girls by J.E. White (
or Tiger and Tom and other Stories for Boys
Wise Words by Leithart

Begin writing in ink only if neat, legible cursive has been achieved.
Transcribe some of your favorite passages from the literature, poetry, nature and Scripture that you are reading. Two perfectly written lines daily.
Keep a personal Journal
Daily oral narrations.
Up to two written narrations wkly
Writing Strands 3 - one day weekly by Dave Marks (Natl. Writing Institute)* (optional)

Dictation/Spelling Instruction
Prepared, formal dictation takes place once a week. According to Charlotte Mason, good spellers may not need to do this as often. Poor spellers may need it more often.Parent chooses a passage from schoolbooks. Occasionally, child may choose. Begin with preparing just a paragraph with your child (see notes on method) and dictating one or two sentences from the paragraph. Work up to one page to be prepared carefully: then a paragraph from one of these pages to be written from dictation, or, occasionally, from memory. 

Spontaneous, informal dictation using word visualization continues. 


Wheeler's Graded Studies in Great Authors by Wheeler 
(although we prefer using copywork and dictation exercises from the children's schoolbooks, this book is what we consider the next best option for the poor speller. Can be used over several years)

English Grammar 
Continue informal grammar instruction with copywork exercises.-What is a sentence? Subjects, nouns, verbs and basic punctuation. 
Formal grammar instruction begins around 10 years of age with Easy Grammar Plus. Some may wish to begin Easy Grammar Gd 4 now, Easy Grammar 5 next year.

English History
Main Text: An Island Story by H. Marshall (1st half)
**The Little Duke by Yonge

World History
(AD 1917- Present)
Children’s History of the 20th Century (DK Millennium) by DK,Inc.
(parent should become familiar with this book-some controversial issues)
Child's History of the World by V.M. Hillyer (ch82-91)
Story of the World Vol 4 by Susan Wise Bauer
*Snow Treasure by Marie McSwigan
*Number the Stars by Lois Lowry
*Letters from Rifka by Karen Hesse (you may wish to edit)
*The Endless Steppe: Growing Up in Siberia by Esther Hautzig RA (you may wish to edit)
*Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry by Mildred D. Taylor RA
**Winged Watchman by Hilda Van Stockum
**Story of the Trapp Family Singers by Maria Augusta Trapp RA
Great Escapes from World War II by Sullivan (optional)
Hillyer's Child's Geography of the World- OOP
(or Planet Earth by Tiner or Voskamp's Explore His Earth)
Minn on the Mississippi by Holling
Wall map. Children fill in and color individual maps of places studied.
Seterra Map drills 10 minutes weekly (free online geography program)
Geography Songs by - North, South America, Europe
RISK World War II Game or Axis and Allies game (optional)

Natural History and Science
Handbook of Nature study for reference
Various Field Guides for reference
Keep a Nature Note-book
Watch, identify and describe their habits and location. Record 12 each term in journal:
6 birds each term
6 plants each term (wild fruits, twigs of trees, wildflowers)
6 animals/insects each term

Maintain a nature table and keep small pets for study

Story of Inventions by Bachman
Choose an Apologia Elementary Science book by Jeannie Fulbright. 
(our schedule uses Flying Creatures on the Fifth Day)
***Along Came Galileo by Bendick

Further Science Suggestions: (Helpful but not necessary)
Usborne Living World Encyclopedia
Do Tarantulas have Teeth? Or any science book by Melvin and Gilda Berger
Album of Horses by Marguerite Henry
Madam How and Lady Why by Charles Kingsley RA (optional -recomm. for UK users)
Considering God's Creation by Mortimer
Picture Study
Study reproductions of six pictures by a famous artist.
Van Gogh
Rockwell/N.C. Wyeth

Continue your math program
Rapid oral work times tables to twelve.
*Mathematicians are People, Too by Reimer
Everything is Coming up Fractions by Bradford (optional)
Cuisinare Rods (optional)

Foreign Language
Study target language’s grammar
Read from short books in target language and translate.
Copy and narrate favorite passages.

Greek /Latin
English from the Roots up by Joegil Lundquist
(Keep a card file of new vocabulary and definitions-one to two new words weekly)

from nature and tales.
Continue with watercolors

Draw 50 Buildings and other Structures by Ames

a Psalm and two suitable passages of twelve verses each from the old and new testaments per term.
a lengthy passage from poet being studied per term.
Foreign language verses are an option

* Psalm 84, Exodus 20:1-17 Our House Rules
** Psalm 91, James 1:1-20, Isaiah 65:17-25
*** Psalm 112, Matthew 6:25-34, Daniel 3:16-29

Eclectic 3rd Reader (1st half)- Children read aloud during Tea time.

Scheduled Literature
Age of Fable by Thomas Bulfinch to ch 14 (RA first month)
*Stories of Beowulf by H.E. Marshall
**Robinson Crusoe by Daniel Defoe
**The Story of King Arthur and His Knights by Howard Pyle
***The Merry Adventures of Robin Hood by Howard Pyle
***Favorite Celtic Fairy Tales unabridged by Joseph Jacobs Dover publ.

Poetry for Young People Series
*Alfred Tennyson edited by John Maynard
**Emily Dickinson edited by Frances Schoonmaker
***William Wordsworth edited by Alan Liu

Progressive Keyboard for Young Beginners by Andrew Scott and Gary Turner bk 2,3
Music note flash cards

Composer Study
Listen to one composer’s biography per term and his greatest hits. Draw while listening if you wish.
The Story of Mozart in Words and Music
Greatest Hits: Mozart
The Story of Beethoven in Words and Music
Greatest Hits: Beethoven
The Story of Schubert in Words and Music
Greatest Hits: Schubert

Two folksongs per term
Two hymns per term
Various foreign language songs

Physical Education
Ball games and aerobics

Help in house or garden.
Crochet or knitting, soap carving, needlework, woodwork
See Handicraft list for further ideas

Additional Literature
Incredible Journey by Sheila Burnford (movie not recommended)
Old Yeller by Fred Gipson read, then watch movie
By the Shores of Silver Lake by Laura Ingalls Wilder
Complete Peterkin Papers by Lucretia Hale
Gentle Ben by Walt Morey
Gone Away Lake by Elizabeth Enright
Return to Gone Away Lake
Lassie Come Home by Eric Knight
Pollyanna by Eleanor Porter, then watch the movie
The Borrowers Series by Mary Norton
The Railway Children by Edith Nesbit
Thimble Summer by Elizabeth Enright
Princess and Curdie by George Macdonald
Twenty-One Balloons by William Pene Dubois
Five Children and It by Nesbit
Secret Garden (DOVER abridged version only) BBC movie is good
The Good Master by Kate Seredy
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory by Roald Dahl

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