Charlotte Mason Help

Year 4 Schedule

 Revised June 2011

It is suggested that the parent read the literature selections to the child during the first few weeks of yr 4. Afterwards, the child should read on his/her own as much as possible. (If your child is new to rich literature, or you have a struggling reader, you may have to read aloud some of the more difficult books throughout the entire term)

Daily Checklists can be found at the Charlotte Mason Help support group.  in progress....

Year 4                                           36 wk schedule

DAILY- handwriting, math, foreign language, recitation
WEEKLY- nature study, picture study, composer study, singing, handicrafts and science shelf.

Week 1
Bible/Devotions: Girl of Beauty or Boyhood and Beyond 1 chapter weekly
Youth Bible Study Notebook (Boys work on this four days wkly all year. Girls begin this after
Girl of Beauty is completed)
Hillyer’s Geography: rd 2 chapters weekly
An Island Story:  ch 1
Story of the World Vol4  ch 21 (review WW 1 events before reading ch)
DK 20th Century : p 70-75 (1917-21)                             
The Story of Inventions: ch. 1 first half – mom reads aloud first two weeks
Minn of the Mississippi, chapter 1
Bulfinch's Age of Fable: student skips preface but we recommend that mom reads to self
Stories of Beowulf ch 1
Poetry Alfred Lord Tennyson: daily poem
Mathematicians are People too: ch1
English from the Roots Up- make 1 or 2 cards weekly
Flying Creatures of the Fifth Day-Rd 6 to 7 pgs wkly

Week 2
Bible/Devotions: Girl of Beauty or Boyhood and Beyond
Youth Bible Study Notebook (work on this four days wkly)
Hillyer’s Geography: rd 2 chapters weekly
An Island Story:  ch 2, 3
Story of the World Vol4  ch 22      
DK 20th Century : p 76-81 (1922-24)
The Story of Inventions: ch. 1 second half –mom reads aloud first 2 wks
Bulfinch's Age of Fable: ch 1-Introduction 1/3 – mom reads aloud first 2 wks
Stories of Beowulf: ch 2
English from the Roots Up- make 1 or 2 cards weekly
Poetry Alfred Lord Tennyson: daily poem
Flying Creatures of the Fifth Day-Rd 6 to 7 pgs wkly
Mathematicians are People too: ch 2

Week 3
Bible/Devotions: Girl of Beauty or Boyhood and Beyond
Youth Bible Study Notebook (work on this four days wkly)
Hillyer’s Geography: rd 2 chapters weekly
An Island Story:  ch 4, 5
Story of the World Vol4  ch23
DK 20th Century : p82-87 (1925-26)
The Story of Inventions: ch. 2 first half
Minn of the Mississippi, chapter 2
Bulfinch's Age of Fable: Introduction 2/3
Stories of Beowulf: ch 3
English from the Roots Up- make 1 or 2 cards weekly
Poetry Alfred Lord Tennyson: daily poem
Flying Creatures of the Fifth Day-Rd 6 to 7 pgs wkly
Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry-RA first of 6 wks
Mathematicians are People too: ch3

Week 4
Bible/Devotions: Girl of Beauty or Boyhood and Beyond
Youth Bible Study Notebook (work on this four days wkly)
Hillyer’s Geography: rd 2 chapters weekly
An Island Story: ch 6
Story of the World Vol4  ch24 (optional- we read part b only)
DK 20th Century : p88-93 (1927-29)
The Story of Inventions: ch.2 second half
Bulfinch's Age of Fable: ch 1-intro 3/3
English from the Roots Up- make 1 or 2 cards weekly
Poetry Alfred Lord Tennyson: daily poem
Flying Creatures of the Fifth Day-Rd 6 to 7 pgs wkly
Mathematicians are People too: ch4
Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry RA 6 wks

Week 5
Bible/Devotions: Girl of Beauty or Boyhood and Beyond
Youth Bible Study Notebook (work on this four days wkly)
Hillyer’s Geography: rd 2 chapters weekly
An Island Story: ch 7,8
Story of the World Vol4  ch25 (optional)
DK 20th Century : p94-99 (1930-32)
The Story of Inventions: ch. 3 first half
Minn of the Mississippi,  chapter 3 
Bulfinch's Age of Fable: ch2 read 1/2
Stories of Beowulf ch 4    
English from the Roots Up- make 1 or 2 cards weekly
Poetry Alfred Lord Tennyson: daily poem
Flying Creatures of the Fifth Day-Rd 6 to 7 pgs wkly
Mathematicians are People too: ch5
Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry RA 6 wks

Week 6
Bible/Devotions: Girl of Beauty or Boyhood and Beyond
Youth Bible Study Notebook (work on this four days wkly)
An Island Story: ch 9,10
Hillyer’s Geography: rd 2 chapters weekly
Story of the World Vol4  ch26
DK 20th Century : p100-105 (1933-34)
The Story of Inventions: ch.3 second half
Bulfinch's Age of Fable: ch 2 rd 2/2
Stories of Beowulf ch 5  
English from the Roots Up- make 1 or 2 cards weekly
Poetry Alfred Lord Tennyson: daily poem
Flying Creatures of the Fifth Day-Rd 6 to 7 pgs wkly
Mathematicians are People too: ch 6
Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry RA 6 wks

Week 7
Bible/Devotions: Girl of Beauty or Boyhood and Beyond
Youth Bible Study Notebook (work on this four days wkly)
Hillyer’s Geography: rd 2 chapters weekly
An Island Story: ch 11
Child's History of the World ch 85
DK 20th Century : p106-111 (1935-36)   
The Story of Inventions: ch. 4 first half
Minn of the Mississippi, chapter 4
Bulfinch's Age of Fable: ch 3 Apollo and Dapne 
(at this point, I stop reading aloud and turn Bulfinch over to my child to read alone from now on)
Stories of Beowulf ch 6    
English from the Roots Up- make 1 or 2 cards weekly:
Poetry Alfred Lord Tennyson: daily poem
Flying Creatures of the Fifth Day-Rd 6 to 7 pgs wkly
Mathematicians are People too: ch7
Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry RA 6 wks

Week 8
Bible/Devotions: Girl of Beauty or Boyhood and Beyond:
Youth Bible Study Notebook (work on this four days wkly)
Hillyer’s Geography: rd 2 chapters weekly
An Island Story: ch 12, 13
Story of the World Vol4  ch27
DK 20th Century : p112-117 (1937-38)
Snow Treasure-take one wk to read
The Story of Inventions: ch.4 second half
Bulfinch's Age of Fable: ch 3 Pyramus and Thisbe
Stories of Beowulf ch 7   
English from the Roots Up- make 1 or 2 cards weekly
Poetry Alfred Lord Tennyson: daily poem
Flying Creatures of the Fifth Day-Rd 6 to 7 pgs wkly
Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry- finish book
Mathematicians are People too: ch 8

Week 9
Bible/Devotions: Girl of Beauty or Boyhood and Beyond
Youth Bible Study Notebook (work on this four days wkly)
An Island Story: ch 14,15
Hillyer’s Geography: rd 2 chapters weekly
Child's History of the World ch 86
DK 20th Century:p118-123  (1938-39)
Letters from Rifka-take one wk to read
The Story of Inventions: ch. 5 first half
Minn of the Mississippi, chapter 5
Bulfinch's Age of Fable: ch 3 Cephalus and Procris     
English from the Roots Up- make 1 or 2 cards weekly
Poetry Alfred Lord Tennyson: daily poem
Flying Creatures of the Fifth Day-Rd 6 to 7 pgs wkly
Mathematicians are People too: ch9

Week 10
Bible/Devotions: Girl of Beauty or Boyhood and Beyond
Youth Bible Study Notebook (work on this four days wkly)
An Island Story: ch 16
Hillyer’s Geography: rd 2 chapters weekly
Story of the World Vol4  ch28
DK 20th Century: p124-129 (1939-41)
The Endless Steppe-take two wks
The Story of Inventions: ch.5 second half
Bulfinch's Age of Fable: ch 4 Juno and her rivals
Stories of Beowulf ch 8    
English from the Roots Up- make 1 or 2 cards weekly    
Poetry  Alfred Lord Tennyson: daily poem
Flying Creatures of the Fifth Day-Rd 6 to 7 pgs wkly
Mathematicians are People too: ch10

Week 11
Bible/Devotions: Girl of Beauty or Boyhood and Beyond
Youth Bible Study Notebook (work on this four days wkly)
Hillyer’s Geography: rd 2 chapters weekly
An Island Story: ch 17,18
Child's History of the World ch 87
Story of the World Vol4  ch29
DK 20th Century: p130-135 (1941-42)
The Endless Steppe-take two wks
The Story of Inventions: ch. 6 first half
Minn of the Mississippi,  chapter 6
Bulfinch's Age of Fable ch 4 Io and Callisto
Stories of Beowulf ch 9     
English from the Roots Up- make 1 or 2 cards weekly
Poetry Alfred Lord Tennyson: daily poem
Flying Creatures of the Fifth Day-Rd 6 to 7 pgs wkly
Mathematicians are People too: ch 11

Week 12
Bible/Devotions: Girl of Beauty or Boyhood and Beyond
Youth Bible Study Notebook (work on this four days wkly)
Hillyer’s Geography: rd 2 chapters weekly
An Island Story: ch 19,20
DK 20th Century: p136-141 (1943)
Number the Stars –take one week to read
The Story of Inventions: ch.6 second half
Stories of Beowulf ch 10
Bulfinch's Age of Fable:  ch 4 Diana and Acteon    
English from the Roots Up- make 1 or 2 cards weekly
Poetry Alfred Lord Tennyson: daily poem
Flying Creatures of the Fifth Day-Rd 6 to 7 pgs wkly
Mathematicians are People too: ch12
Exam Week


Week 13
Bible/Devotions: Girl of Beauty or Boyhood and Beyond
Youth Bible Study Notebook (work on this four days wkly)
An Island Story: ch 21
Hillyer’s Geography: rd 2 chapters weekly
DK 20th Century: p  142-147 (1944)
The Little Duke: rd one chapter per wk
The Story of Inventions: ch. 7 first half
Minn of the Mississippi, chapter 7
Age of Fable ch 4 Latona and the rustics
Story of King Arthur and His Knights:
           Part I, The Winning of Kinghood, ch. 1 and 2,
English from the Roots Up- make 1 or 2 cards weekly
Poetry: Emily Dickinson- daily poem
Robinson Crusoe-divide chapters evenly over 12 wks (ch 1,2 for my version)
Mathematicians are People too: ch13
Flying Creatures of the Fifth Day-Rd 6 to 7 pgs wkly

Week 14
Bible/Devotions: Girl of Beauty or Boyhood and Beyond
Youth Bible Study Notebook (work on this four days wkly)
Hillyer’s Geography: rd 2 chapters weekly
An Island Story: ch 22,23
DK 20th Century:  p 148-153 (1945)
Winged Watchman-take one wk to read
The Little Duke: rd one chapter per wk
The Story of Inventions: ch.7 second half
Age of Fable ch 5 Phaeton spend 2 weeks
Story of King Arthur and His Knights:
          Part I The Winning of Kinghood, ch. 3
          Part II The Winning of a Sword, ch. 1
English from the Roots Up- make 1 or 2 cards weekly
Poetry: Emily Dickinson- daily poem
Robinson Crusoe: ch 3,4
Mathematicians are People too: ch14
Flying Creatures of the Fifth Day-Rd 6 to 7 pgs wkly

Week 15
Bible/Devotions: Girl of Beauty or Boyhood and Beyond
Youth Bible Study Notebook (work on this four days wkly)
Hillyer’s Geography: rd 2 chapters weekly
An Island Story: ch 24,25
Child's History of the World ch 88
Story of the World Vol4  ch30
DK 20th Century: p  154-161 (1946-47)
The Little Duke: rd one chapter per wk
The Von Trapp Family Singers
The Story of Inventions: ch. 8 first half
Minn of the Mississippi,  chapter 8
Age of Fable ch 5 Phaeton spend 2 weeks
Story of King Arthur and His Knights:
          Part II, The Winning of a Sword, ch. 2 and 3
English from the Roots Up- make 1 or 2 cards weekly
Poetry: Emily Dickinson- daily poem
Robinson Crusoe: ch 5,6
Flying Creatures of the Fifth Day-Rd 6 to 7 pgs wkly

Week 16
Bible/Devotions: Girl of Beauty or Boyhood and Beyond
Youth Bible Study Notebook (work on this four days wkly)
Hillyer’s Geography: rd 2 chapters weekly
An Island Story: ch 26
Child's History of the World ch 89,90
Story of the World Vol4  ch31
DK 20th Century  p 162-167 (1948-49)
The Little Duke: rd one chapter per wk
The Story of Inventions: ch. 8 second half
Age of Fable ch 6 Midas
Story of King Arthur and His Knights:
          Part III, The Winning of a Queen, ch. 1 and 2
 English from the Roots Up- make 1 or 2 cards weekly
 Poetry: Emily Dickinson- daily poem
Robinson Crusoe: ch 7,8
Flying Creatures of the Fifth Day-Rd 6 to 7 pgs wkly

Week 17
Bible/Devotions: Girl of Beauty or Boyhood and Beyond
Youth Bible Study Notebook (work on this four days wkly)
Hillyer’s Geography: rd 2 chapters weekly
An Island Story: ch 27,28
Story of the World Vol4  ch32
DK 20th Century p 168-173 (1949-50)
The Little Duke: rd one chapter per wk
The Story of Inventions: ch. 9 first half
Minn of the Mississippi, chapter 9
Age of Fable ch 6 Baucis and Philemon
Story of King Arthur and His Knights:
          Part III, The Winning of a Queen, ch. 3 and 4
English from the Roots Up- make 1 or 2 cards weekly
Poetry: Emily Dickinson- daily poem
Robinson Crusoe: ch 9,10
Flying Creatures of the Fifth Day-Rd 6 to 7 pgs wkly

Week 18
Bible/Devotions: Girl of Beauty or Boyhood and Beyond
Youth Bible Study Notebook (work on this four days wkly)
Hillyer’s Geography: rd 2 chapters weekly
An Island Story: ch 29,30
Story of the World Vol4  ch33
Child's History of the World ch 91
DK 20th Century p  174-179 (1951-55)
The Little Duke: rd one chapter per wk
The Story of Inventions: ch. 9 second half
Age of Fable ch 7 Proserpine spend two wks
 Story of King Arthur and His Knights:
         Part III, The Winning of a Queen, ch. 5 and 6
English from the Roots Up- make 1 or 2 cards weekly
Poetry: Emily Dickinson- daily poem
Robinson Crusoe: ch 11,12
Flying Creatures of the Fifth Day-Rd 6 to 7 pgs wkly

Week 19
Bible/Devotions: Girl of Beauty or Boyhood and Beyond
Youth Bible Study Notebook (work on this four days wkly)
Hillyer’s Geography: rd 2 chapters weekly
An Island Story: ch 31
Story of the World Vol4  ch34
DK 20th Century p 180-185 (1956-58)
The Little Duke: rd one chapter per wk
The Story of Inventions: ch. 10 first half
Minn of the Mississippi,  chapter 10
Age of Fable ch 7 Proserpine spend 2 weeks
Story of King Arthur and His Knights:
          The Three Worthies: Prologue and Merlin ch. 1, 2, and 3
English from the Roots Up- make 1 or 2 cards weekly
Poetry: Emily Dickinson- daily poem
Robinson Crusoe: ch 13,14
Flying Creatures of the Fifth Day-Rd 6 to 7 pgs wkly

Week 20
Bible/Devotions: Girl of Beauty or Boyhood and Beyond
Youth Bible Study Notebook (work on this four days wkly)
Hillyer’s Geography: rd 2 chapters weekly
An Island Story: ch 32,33
Story of the World Vol4  ch35
DK 20th Century p  186-191(1959-60)
The Little Duke: rd one chapter per wk
The Story of Inventions: ch. 10 second half
Age of Fable ch 7 Glaucus and Scylla
Story of King Arthur and His Knights:
           Merlin ch. 4 and conclusion,
           Pellias ch. 1
English from the Roots Up- make 1 or 2 cards weekly
Poetry: Emily Dickinson- daily poem
Robinson Crusoe: ch  15,16
Flying Creatures of the Fifth Day-Rd 6 to 7 pgs wkly

Week 21
Bible/Devotions: Girl of Beauty or Boyhood and Beyond
Youth Bible Study Notebook (work on this four days wkly)
Hillyer’s Geography: rd 2 chapters weekly
An Island Story: ch 34,35
Story of the World Vol4  ch36
DK 20th Century p  192-197 (1961-63)
The Little Duke: rd one chapter per wk
The Story of Inventions: ch. 11first half
Minn of the Mississippi,  chapter 11
Age of Fable ch 8 Pygmalion
        Story of King Arthur and His Knights: Pellias ch. 2 and 3
English from the Roots Up- make 1 or 2 cards weekly
Poetry: Emily Dickinson- daily poem
Robinson Crusoe: ch 17,18
Flying Creatures of the Fifth Day-Rd 6 to 7 pgs wkly

Week 22
Bible/Devotions: Girl of Beauty or Boyhood and Beyond
Youth Bible Study Notebook (work on this four days wkly)
Hillyer’s Geography: rd 2 chapters weekly
An Island Story : ch 36
Story of the World Vol4  ch37
The Little Duke: finish book
DK 20th Century:  p 198-203 (1964-1965)
The Story of Inventions: ch.11 second half
Age of Fable ch 8 Dryope
Story of King Arthur and His Knights: Pellias ch. 4 and 5
English from the Roots Up- make 1 or 2 cards weekly
Poetry: Emily Dickinson- daily poem
Robinson Crusoe: ch 19,20
Flying Creatures of the Fifth Day-Rd 6 to 7 pgs wkly

Week 23
Bible/Devotions: Girl of Beauty or Boyhood and Beyond
Youth Bible Study Notebook (work on this four days wkly)
Hillyer’s Geography: rd 2 chapters weekly
An Island Story: ch 37,38
DK 20th Century: p 204-209 (1966-67)   
The Story of Inventions: ch. 12 entire chapter
Minn of the Mississippi,  chapter 12
Age of Fable ch 8 Venus and Adonis
Story of King Arthur and His Knights: Pellias ch. 6, Gawaine ch. 1
English from the Roots Up- make 1 or 2 cards weekly
Poetry: Emily Dickinson- daily poem
Robinson Crusoe: ch 21,22
Flying Creatures of the Fifth Day-Rd 6 to 7 pgs wkly

Week 24
Bible/Devotions: Girl of Beauty or Boyhood and Beyond
Youth Bible Study Notebook (work on this four days wkly)
Hillyer’s Geography: rd 2 chapters weekly
An Island Story : ch 39,40
DK 20th Century p 210-215 (1968-69)
The Story of Inventions: ch. 13 first half
Age of Fable ch 8 Apollo and Hyacinthus
Story of King Arthur and His Knights: Gawaine ch. 2 and 3
English from the Roots Up- make 1 or 2 cards weekly
Poetry: Emily Dickinson- daily poem
Robinson Crusoe: ch 23,24
Flying Creatures of the Fifth Day-Rd 6 to 7 pgs wkly

 Exam Week


Week 25
Bible/Devotions: Girl of Beauty or Boyhood and Beyond
Youth Bible Study Notebook (work on this four days wkly)
Hillyer’s Geography: rd 2 chapters weekly
An Island Story: ch 41
DK 20th Century p 216-221(1969-71) 
The Story of Inventions: ch.13 second half
Minn of the Mississippi, chapter 13
Age of Fable ch 9 Ceyx and Halcyone spend 2 wks
English from the Roots Up- make 1 or 2 cards weekly
Poetry William Wordsworth daily poem
Merry Adventures of Robin Hood: Prologue
Robinson Crusoe  25,26
Flying Creatures of the Fifth Day-Rd 6 to 7 pgs wkly
Along came Galileo read one chapter per week

Week 26
Bible/Devotions: Girl of Beauty or Boyhood and Beyond
Youth Bible Study Notebook (work on this four days wkly)
Hillyer’s Geography: rd 2 chapters weekly
An Island Story: ch 42,43   
DK 20th Century p (222-227) 1972-73
The Story of Inventions: ch. 14 first half
Minn of the Mississippi, 1/6  chapter 6
Age of Fable ch 9 Ceyx and Halcyone spend 2 weeks
English from the Roots Up- make 1 or 2 cards weekly
Poetry William Wordsworth: daily poem
Merry Adventures of Robin Hood: Part First: ch. 1,2
Robinson Crusoe ch 27,28
Flying Creatures of the Fifth Day-Rd 6 to 7 pgs wkly
Along came Galileo: read one chapter per week

Week 27
Bible/Devotions: Girl of Beauty or Boyhood and Beyond
Youth Bible Study Notebook (work on this four days wkly)
Hillyer’s Geography: rd 2 chapters weekly
An Island Story: ch 44,45
Story of the World Vol4  ch 38
DK 20th Century p 228-233  (1974-75)
The Story of Inventions: ch. 14 second half
Minn of the Mississippi  chapter 14
Age of Fable ch 10 Vertumnus and Pomona
English from the Roots Up- make 1 or 2 cards weekly
Poetry William Wordsworth: daily poem
Merry Adventures of Robin Hood: ch3,4
Flying Creatures of the Fifth Day-Rd 6 to 7 pgs wkly
Along came Galileo: read one chapter per week

Week 28
Bible/Devotions: Girl of Beauty or Boyhood and Beyond
Youth Bible Study Notebook (work on this four days wkly)
Hillyer’s Geography: rd 2 chapters weekly
An Island Story: ch 46
DK 20th Century p  234-239 (1975-77)   
The Story of Inventions: ch. 15 first half
Age of Fable ch 11 Cupid and Psyche spend 2 wks   
English from the Roots Up- make 1 or 2 cards weekly
Poetry William Wordsworth: daily poem
Merry Adventures of Robin Hood: ch5,6
Flying Creatures of the Fifth Day-Rd 6 to 7 pgs wkly
Along came Galileo: read one chapter per week

Week 29
Bible/Devotions: Girl of Beauty or Boyhood and Beyond
Youth Bible Study Notebook (work on this four days wkly)
Hillyer’s Geography: rd 2 chapters weekly
An Island Story: ch 46,47
DK 20th Century p 240-245 (1978-79)
The Story of Inventions: ch. 15 second half
Minn of the Mississippi, chapter 15
Age of Fable ch 11 Cupid and Psyche spend two wks
English from the Roots Up- make 1 or 2 cards weekly
Poetry William Wordsworth: daily poem
Merry Adventures of Robin Hood: ch 7
Celtic Fairytales: Children of Lir
Along came Galileo: read one chapter per week
Flying Creatures of the Fifth Day-Rd 6 to 7 pgs wkly

Week 30
Bible/Devotions: Girl of Beauty or Boyhood and Beyond
Youth Bible Study Notebook (work on this four days wkly)
Hillyer’s Geography: rd 2 chapters weekly
An Island Story: ch 48,49
Story of the World Vol4  ch39
DK 20th Century: p 246-251 (1979-80)
The Story of Inventions: ch. 16 first half
Age of Fable ch 12 Cadmus    
English from the Roots Up- make 1 or 2 cards weekly
Poetry William Wordsworth: daily poem
Merry Adventures of Robin Hood: ch 8,9
Celtic Fairytales: Tale of Ivan
Along came Galileo: read one chapter per week
Flying Creatures of the Fifth Day-Rd 6 to 7 pgs wkly

Week 31
Bible/Devotions: Girl of Beauty or Boyhood and Beyond
Youth Bible Study Notebook (work on this four days wkly)
Hillyer’s Geography: rd 2 chapters weekly
An Island Story: ch 50,51
DK 20th Century: p 252-257 (1981-82) 
The Story of Inventions: ch. 16 second half
Minn of the Mississippi, chapter 16
Age of Fable ch 12 the Myrmidons
English from the Roots Up- make 1 or 2 cards weekly
Poetry William Wordsworth: daily poem
Merry Adventures of Robin Hood: ch 10,11
Celtic Fairytales: Shepherd of Myddvai
Along came Galileo: read one chapter per week
Flying Creatures of the Fifth Day-Rd 6 to 7 pgs wkly

Week 32
Bible/Devotions: Girl of Beauty or Boyhood and Beyond
Youth Bible Study Notebook (work on this four days wkly)
Hillyer’s Geography: rd 2 chapters weekly
An Island Story: ch 52,53
DK 20th Century: p 258-263 (1983-84)
The Story of Inventions: ch. 17 first half
Age of Fable ch 13 Nisus and Scyll 
English from the Roots Up- make 1 or 2 cards weekly
Poetry William Wordsworth: daily poem
Merry Adventures of Robin Hood: ch 12,13,14
Celtic Fairytales: Morraha
Along came Galileo: read one chapter per week
Flying Creatures of the Fifth Day-Rd 6 to 7 pgs wkly

Week 33
Bible/Devotions: Girl of Beauty or Boyhood and Beyond
Youth Bible Study Notebook (work on this four days wkly)
Hillyer’s Geography: rd 2 chapters weekly
An Island Story: ch 54,55
Story of the World Vol4  ch40
DK 20th Century: p 264-271 (1985-87)
The Story of Inventions: ch. 17 second half
Minn of the Mississippi,  chapter 17
Age of Fable ch 13 Echo and Narcissus  
English from the Roots Up- make 1 or 2 cards weekly
Poetry William Wordsworth: daily poem
Merry Adventures of Robin Hood: ch 15,16
Celtic Fairytales: Story of Deirdre
 Along came Galileo: read one chapter per week
Flying Creatures of the Fifth Day-Rd 6 to 7 pgs wkly

Week 34
Bible/Devotions: Girl of Beauty or Boyhood and Beyond
Youth Bible Study Notebook (work on this four days wkly)
Hillyer’s Geography: rd 2 chapters weekly
DK 20th Century p  272-277 (1988-89)
An Island Story: ch 56,57
The Story of Inventions: ch. 18 first half
Age of Fable ch 13 Clytie, Hero and Leander     
English from the Roots Up- make 1 or 2 cards weekly
Poetry William Wordsworth: daily poem
Merry Adventures of Robin Hood:ch 17,18
Celtic Fairytales: Llanlabon Changeling
Along came Galileo: read one chapter per week
Minn of the Mississippi, chapter 18
Flying Creatures of the Fifth Day-Rd 6 to 7 pgs wkly

Week 35
Bible: NT and Psalms
Youth Bible Study Notebook (work on this four days wkly)
Hillyer’s Geography: rd 2 chapters weekly
An Island Story: ch 58,59
Story of the World Vol4  ch41
DK 20th Century p  278-283 (1990-91)
The Story of Inventions: ch. 19 second half
Minn of the Mississippi, chapter 19
Age of Fable ch 14 Minerva    
English from the Roots Up- make 1 or 2 cards weekly:
Poetry William Wordsworth: daily poem
Merry Adventures of Robin Hood: ch19,20
Celtic Fairytales: Beth Gellert
Along came Galileo: read one chapter per week
Flying Creatures of the Fifth Day-Rd 6 to 7 pgs wkly

Week 36
Bible/Devotions: Girl of Beauty or Boyhood and Beyond
Youth Bible Study Notebook (work on this four days wkly)
Hillyer’s Geography: rd 2 chapters weekly
An Island Story: ch 60,61
Story of the World Vol4  ch42
DK 20th Century History p 284- finish bk
Minn of the Mississippi,chapter 20
Age of Fable ch 14 Niobe  
English from the Roots Up- make 1 or 2 cards weekly
Poetry William Wordsworth: daily poem
Merry Adventures of Robin Hood: ch 21 and Epilogue
Celtic Fairy tales:  The Sea Maiden
Along came Galileo: read one chapter per week
Flying Creatures of the Fifth Day-Rd 6 to 7 pgs wkly

Exam Week