Charlotte Mason Help

Year 5 Schedule

Revised June 2011

DAILY- handwriting, math, foreign language, recitation
WEEKLY- nature study, picture study, composer study, singing, handicrafts and Plutarch.

 Week 1
 Genesis: Greenleaf Lesson 1,
 Victor Journey Through the Bible (match reading with Greenleaf)
 You Can Change Your World Vol 1: New Guinea, Western Samoa
 An Island Story ch 62,63
 Age of Fable: ch 15 The Grae, Perseus and Medusa, Perseus and Atlas
 Hans Brinker: ch. 1-4
 Pacific Islands: Mapwork, Geog Songs, Seterra
 Rd Encyclopedia Article from (outline together-see forum files for help)
 Material World: Read Betting the Planet (optional- a good rd for the parent)
 Book of Marvels: The Orient rd 1 chapter
 History of Medicine ch 1
 Blood and Guts: p10-15
 Eyewitness: Human Body  (Follow along in this book as you read Blood and Guts)
 Poetry of Rudyard Kipling: a poem a day
 Call it Courage 1wk  (optional)
 Captivity of Mary, Queen of Scotland 10 pgs
 My Side of the Mountain: ch 1
 Tales from Shakespeare-Rd one tale every three wks

 Week 2
 Adam and His Kin: Ch 1
 You Can Change Your World Vol 2: New Caledonia
 An Island Story ch 64,65
 Age of Fable: ch 15 The Sea Monster, the wedding feast
 Hans Brinker: ch. 5-8
 Pacific Islands: Mapwork, Geog Songs, Seterra
 Encyclopedia Article (continue your outline together-see forum files for help)
 Book of Marvels: The Orient rd 1 chapter
 Blood and Guts: p16-20
 Eyewitness: Human Body  (Follow along in this book as you read Blood and Guts) 
 History of Medicine ch 2
 Poetry of Rudyard Kipling: a poem a day
 Island of the Blue Dolphins 2 wks
 Captivity of Mary, Queen of Scotland 10 pgs
 My Side of the Mountain: ch 2,3
Tales from Shakespeare-Rd one tale every three wks

 Week 3
 Genesis: Greenleaf Lesson 2,
 Victor Journey Through the Bible (match reading with Greenleaf)
 Adam and His Kin ch 2,3
 You Can Change Your World Vol 2 : Fiji
 An Island Story: ch 66,67
 Age of Fable: ch 16 Monsters, The Sphinx
 Hans Brinker: ch. 9-12
 Pacific Islands: Mapwork, Geog Songs, Seterra
 Material World:  Read Methodology, Western Samoa
 Book of Marvels: The Orient rd 1 chapter
 optional-you may wish to work on human body model
 History of Medicine ch 3
 Poetry of Rudyard Kipling: a poem a day
 Island of the Blue Dolphins: 2nd of two wks
 Captivity of Mary, Queen of Scotland 10 pgs
 My Side of the Mountain: ch 4,5
Tales from Shakespeare-Rd one tale every three wks

 Week 4
 Genesis: Greenleaf Lesson 3
 Victor Journey Through the Bible (match reading with Greenleaf)
 An Island Story ch 68,69
 Age of Fable: ch 16 Pegasus and the Chimaera, the Centaurus, the Pygmies, the Gryphon
 Hans Brinker: ch. 13-16
 Australia: Mapwork, Geog Songs, Seterra
 Read Encyclopedia article at and outline together
 Faces through time (or your personal choice for Australia)
 Book of Marvels: The Orient rd 1 chapter
 optional-you may wish to work on human body model
 History of Medicine ch 4
 Poetry of Rudyard Kipling: a poem a day
 Captivity of Mary, Queen of Scotland 10 pgs
 My Side of the Mountain: ch 6,7
Tales from Shakespeare-Rd one tale every three wks

 Week 5
 Adam and His Kin: ch 4,5
 You Can Change Your World Vol 1 New Zealand
 An Island Story ch 70,71
 Age of Fable:  ch 17 The Golden Fleece
 Hans Brinker: ch. 17-20
 New Zealand: Mapwork, Geog Songs, Seterra
 Read Encyclopedia article at
Book of Marvels: The Orient rd 1 chapter
 Blood and Guts: Blood and Guts: p21-25
 Eyewitness: Human Body  (Follow along in this book as you read Blood and Guts) 
 History of Medicine ch 5
 Poetry of Rudyard Kipling: a poem a day
 Captivity of Mary, Queen of Scotland 10 pgs
 My Side of the Mountain: ch 8,9
Tales from Shakespeare-Rd one tale every three wks

 Week 6
 Genesis: Greenleaf Lesson 4
 Victor Journey Through the Bible (match reading with Greenleaf)
 Adam and His Kin: ch 6,7
 An Island Story ch 72,73
 Age of Fable: ch 17 Medea and Jason
 Hans Brinker: ch. 21-24
 Antarctica: Mapwork, Geog Songs, Seterra
 Read Encyclopedia article at
 Book of Marvels: The Orient rd 1 chapter
 Blood and Guts: p25-30
 Eyewitness: Human Body  (Follow along in this book as you read Blood and Guts)
 History of Medicine ch 6
 Poetry of Rudyard Kipling: a poem a day
 Captivity of Mary, Queen of Scotland 10 pgs
 My Side of the Mountain: ch 10,11
Tales from Shakespeare-Rd one tale every three wks

 Week 7
 Genesis: Greenleaf Lesson 5
 Victor Journey Through the Bible (match reading with Greenleaf)
 You Can Change Your World Vol 1 Japan
 An Island Story ch 74,75
 Age of Fable: ch 18 Meleager
 Hans Brinker: ch. 25-28
 Japan: Mapwork, Geog Songs, Seterra
 Read Encyclopedia article at
 Material World:  Japan
 Book of Marvels: The Orient rd 1 chapter
 optional-you may wish to work on human body model
 History of Medicine: ch 7
 Poetry of Rudyard Kipling: a poem a day
 The Big Wave (optional)
 Commodore Perry and the Land of the Shogan 2 wks
 Captivity of Mary, Queen of Scotland 10 pgs
My Side of the Mountain: ch 12,13
Tales from Shakespeare-Rd one tale every three wks

 Week 8
 Adam and His Kin: ch 8,9
 An Island Story: ch 76,77                               
 Age of Fable: ch 18 Atalanta
 Hans Brinker: ch. 29-32
 Japan: Map work, Geog Songs, Seterra
 Book of Marvels: The Orient rd 1 chapter
 Blood and Guts: Blood and Guts: p31-36
 Eyewitness: Human Body  (Follow along in this book as you read Blood and Guts)
 History of Medicine: ch 8
 Poetry of Rudyard Kipling: a poem a day
Commodore Perry and the Land of the Shogan: 1 wk
Sadako and the Paper Cranes: 1 wk (optional)
Captivity of Mary, Queen of Scotland 10 pgs
My Side of the Mountain: ch 14,15
Tales from Shakespeare-Rd one tale every three wks

 Week 9
 Genesis: Greenleaf Lesson 6
 Victor Journey Through the Bible (match reading with Greenleaf)
 Adam and His Kin: ch 10,11
 You Can Change Your World Vol 1 North Korea, Vol 2 South Korea
 Age of Fable: ch 19 Hercules spend 2 weeks
 An Island Story ch 78,79
 Hans Brinker: ch. 33-36
 Korea: Mapwork, Geog Songs, Seterra
 Rd Encyclopedia Article from (outline together)
 Book of Marvels: The Orient rd 1 chapter
 optional-you may wish to work on human body model
 History of Medicine: ch 9
 Poetry of Rudyard Kipling: a poem a day
 Tales of a Korean Grandmother: 1 wk
 A Single Shard: 1 wk (optional)
Captivity of Mary, Queen of Scotland 10 pgs
My Side of the Mountain: ch 16,17
Tales from Shakespeare-Rd one tale every three wks

 Week 10
 Genesis: Greenleaf Lesson 7
Victor Journey Through the Bible (match reading with Greenleaf)
 You Can Change Your World Vol 2 China
 An Island Story ch 80, 81
 Age of Fable: ch 19 Hercules spend 2 weeks
 Hans Brinker: ch. 37-40
 China: Mapwork, Geog Songs, Seterra
 Read Encyclopedia article at 
 Material World: China
Book of Marvels: The Orient rd 1 chapter
Blood and Guts: p37-40
Eyewitness Human Body (Follow along in this book as you read Blood and Guts)
 History of Medicine ch 10
 Poetry of Rudyard Kipling: a poem a day
God's Adventurer: Hudson Taylor 2 wks
Captivity of Mary, Queen of Scotland 10 pgs
My Side of the Mountain: ch 18,19
Charles Dickens: A Christmas Carol
Tales from Shakespeare-Rd one tale every three wks

 Week 11
 Adam and His Kin: ch 12-14
 You Can Change Your World Vol 2 Hui
 An Island Story ch 82,83
 Age of Fable: ch 19 Hebe and Ganymede
 Hans Brinker: ch. 41-44
 China: Mapwork, Geog Songs, Seterra
 Material World: Thailand
Book of Marvels: The Orient rd 1 chapter
Blood and Guts: p41-44
Eyewitness Human Body (Follow along in this book as you read Blood and Guts)
 History of Medicine:  ch 11
 Poetry of Rudyard Kipling: a poem a day
 God's Adventurer: Hudson Taylor 2nd of two wks
Captivity of Mary, Queen of Scotland 10 pgs
 My Side of the Mountain: ch 20,21
Charles Dickens: A Christmas Carol
Tales from Shakespeare-Rd one tale every three wks

 Week 12
 Genesis: Greenleaf Lesson 8
 Victor Journey Through the Bible (match reading with Greenleaf)
 Adam and His Kin: ch 15-17
You Can Change Your World Vol 2: Dai
 An Island Story: ch 84,85
 Age of Fable:  ch 19 Theseus
 Hans Brinker: ch. 45-48
 China: Map work, Geog Songs, Seterra
Book of Marvels: The Orient rd 1 chapter
Blood and Guts: p45-48
Eyewitness Human Body (Follow along in this book as you read Blood and Guts)
 History of Medicine ch 12
 Poetry of Rudyard Kipling: a poem a day
 Eric Liddell 3wks
Young Fu of the Upper Yangtze: 2 wks
 Charles Dickens: A Christmas Carol
Captivity of Mary, Queen of Scotland 10 pgs
My Side of the Mountain: ch 22
Tales from Shakespeare-Rd one tale every three wks

 Exam Week


 Week 13
 Genesis: Greenleaf Lesson 9
Victor Journey Through the Bible (match reading with Greenleaf)
 Adam and His Kin: ch 18,19
You Can Change Your World Vol 1 Tibetans
 China: Map work, Geog Songs, Seterra
(choose 3 countries to outline this term)
An Island Story ch 86,87
 Kidnapped! ch 1, 2
 Age of Fable: ch 19 Olympic and other games, Dadalus, Castor and Pollux
 Oliver Twist: ch 1-3
Book of Marvels: The Orient rd 1 chapter
Blood and Guts:  p49-53
 Eyewitness: Human Body  (Follow along in this book as you read Blood and Guts)
 History of Medicine: Ch 13
 Poetry of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Eric Liddell 2nd of 3 wks
Young Fu of the Upper Yangtze 2nd of 2 wks
Tales from Shakespeare-Rd one tale every three wks
Captivity of Mary, Queen of Scotland 10 pgs

 Week 14
 Adam and His Kin: ch 18,19
 You Can Change Your World Vol 1 Xinjiang
 China: Mapwork , Geog Songs, Seterra
 An Island Story ch 88,89
 Kidnapped! ch 3,4
 Age of Fable: ch 20 Bacchus
 Oliver Twist: ch. 4-8
Book of Marvels: The Orient rd 1 chapter
 Blood and Guts: p54-58
 Eyewitness: Human Body  (Follow along in this book as you read Blood and Guts)
 History of Medicine: ch 14 
 Poetry of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
 Eric Liddell: 3rd of 3wks
House of Sixty Fathers: 3 wks
Tales from Shakespeare-Rd one tale every three wks
Captivity of Mary, Queen of Scotland 10 pgs

 Week 15
 Genesis: Greenleaf Lesson 10
Victor Journey Through the Bible (match reading with Greenleaf)
 China: Mapwork , Geog Songs, Seterra
 An Island Story ch 90,91
 Kidnapped! ch 5,6
 Age of Fable: ch 20 Ariadne
 Oliver Twist: ch. 9-14
Book of Marvels: The Orient rd 1 chapter
optional-you may wish to work on human body model
 History of Medicine: ch 15
 Poetry of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
House of Sixty Fathers: 2nd of 3 wks
Tales from Shakespeare-Rd one tale every three wks
Captivity of Mary, Queen of Scotland 10 pgs

 Week 16
 Genesis: Greenleaf Lesson 11
Victor Journey Through the Bible (match reading with Greenleaf)
 Taiwan: Map work, Geog Songs, Seterra
 An Island Story: ch 92,93
 Kidnapped!: ch 7,8
 Age of Fable: ch 22 The rural deities
 Oliver Twist: ch. 15-19
Book of Marvels: The Orient rd 1 chapter
 Blood and Guts:  p59-63
 Eyewitness: Human Body  (Follow along in this book as you read Blood and Guts)
 History of Medicine: ch 16
 Poetry of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
House of Sixty Fathers: 3rd of 3 wks
Tales from Shakespeare-Rd one tale every three wks
Captivity of Mary, Queen of Scotland 10 pgs

 Week 17
 Genesis: Greenleaf Lesson 11
 Victor Journey Through the Bible (match reading with Greenleaf)
 You Can Change Your World Vol1: Mongolia
 Mongolia: Map work, Geog Songs, Seterra
Read Encyclopedia article at
 Material World: Mongolia
 An Island Story ch 94,95
Kidnapped!: ch 9,10
 Age of Fable:  ch 22 Erisichthon
 Oliver Twist: ch. 20-23
Book of Marvels: The Orient rd 1 chapter
 Blood and Guts:  p64-70
 Eyewitness: Human Body  (Follow along in this book as you read Blood and Guts)
 History of Medicine: ch 17
 Poetry of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
 Genghis Khan and the Mongol Hordes: 1st of 2 wks
 Mongols: 1 wk
Tales from Shakespeare-Rd one tale every three wks
Captivity of Mary, Queen of Scotland 10 pgs

 Week 18
 Genesis: Greenleaf Lesson 12
Victor Journey Through the Bible (match reading with Greenleaf)
 An Island Story: ch 96,97
 Kidnapped!: ch 11,12
 You Can Change Your World Vol 2: Russia
 Russia: Map work, Geog Songs, Seterra
 Material World: Russia
 Russia: The People and/or The Culture
Peter the Great by Diane Stanley
 Age of Fable: ch 22 Rhoecus-The Winds
 Oliver Twist: ch. 24-28
Book of Marvels: The Orient rd 1 chapter
 optional-you may wish to work on human body model
 History of Medicine ch 18
 Poetry of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Genghis Khan and the Mongol Hordes 2nd of 2 wks
Tales from Shakespeare-Rd one tale every three wks
Captivity of Mary, Queen of Scotland 10 pgs

 Week 19
 Genesis: Greenleaf Lesson 13
 Victor Journey Through the Bible (match reading with Greenleaf)
 You Can Change Your World Vol 2: Buryat
 Russia: Mapwork, Geog Songs, Seterra
 An Island Story ch 98,99
 Kidnapped! ch13,14
 Age of Fable: ch 23 Achelous and Hercules
 Oliver Twist: ch. 29-32
Book of Marvels: The Orient rd 1 chapter
 Blood and Guts:  p71-74
 Eyewitness: Human Body  (Follow along in this book as you read Blood and Guts)
 History of Medicine ch 19
 Poetry of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Tales from Shakespeare-Rd one tale every three wks
Captivity of Mary, Queen of Scotland 10 pgs

 Week 20
 Genesis: Greenleaf Lesson 13
 Victor Journey Through the Bible (match reading with Greenleaf)
 You Can Change Your World Vol 2 Kyrgyz, Vol 1 Uzbeks
 Kidnapped! ch 15,16
 Central Asia: Mapwork , Geog Songs, Seterra
 Read Encyclopedia article at
 Material World: Uzbekistan
 Age of Fable: ch 23 Admetus and Alcestis
 Oliver Twist: ch. 33-37
 optional-you may wish to work on human body model
 Book of Marvels: The Orient rd 1 chapter
 History of Medicine ch 20
 Poetry of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
 Tales from Shakespeare-Rd one tale every three wks
Captivity of Mary, Queen of Scotland 10 pgs

 Week 21
 Genesis: Greenleaf Lesson 14
Victor Journey Through the Bible (match reading with Greenleaf)
 You Can Change Your World  Vol 2: Bangladesh, Chakma, Vietnam, Dayak, Balinese,          
       Vol 1: Indonesia, Yao, Minangkabau, Bhutan
 Southeast Asia:  Map work, Geog Songs, Seterra
  Read Encyclopedia article at
 Material World: Bhutan, Vietnam
 An Island Story: ch 100,101
 Kidnapped! ch 17,18
 Age of Fable: ch 23 Antigone, Penelope
 Oliver Twist: ch. 38-41
Book of Marvels: The Orient rd 1 chapter
Blood and Guts: p75-77
 Eyewitness: Human Body  (Follow along in this book as you read Blood and Guts)
 History of Medicine: ch 21
 Poetry of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
 Vietnam-The Land I lost: 1 wk
 And The Word Came with Power-Philippines (optional)
Tales from Shakespeare-Rd one tale every three wks
Captivity of Mary, Queen of Scotland 10 pgs

 Week 22
 Genesis: Greenleaf Lesson 15
Victor Journey Through the Bible (match reading with Greenleaf)
 You Can Change Your World Vol 2 India
 An Island Story ch 102,103
 Kidnapped! ch19,20
 India: Map work, Geog Songs, Seterra
 Material World: India
 Age of Fable: ch 24 Orpheus and Eurydice
 Oliver Twist: ch. 42-45
Book of Marvels: The Orient rd 1 chapter
Blood and Guts: p78-82
 Eyewitness: Human Body  (Follow along in this book as you read Blood and Guts) 
 Poetry of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Gandhi: one Week (optional)
Tales from Shakespeare-Rd one tale every three wks
Captivity of Mary, Queen of Scotland 10 pgs

 Week 23
 Genesis: Greenleaf Lesson 15
Victor Journey Through the Bible (match reading with Greenleaf)
 You Can Change Your World Vol 2 Gond
 India: Map work, Geog Songs, Seterra
 An Island Story ch 104,105
 Kidnapped! ch 21,22
 Age of Fable: ch 24 Aristus the Bee-keeper
 Oliver Twist: ch. 46-49
optional-you may wish to work on human body model
 Book of Marvels: The Orient rd 1 chapter
 optional-you may wish to work on human body model
 Poetry of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
 Obliged to Go- William Carey: 1st of three wks
 Tales from Shakespeare-Rd one tale every three wks
Captivity of Mary, Queen of Scotland 10 pgs

 Week 24
 Genesis: Greenleaf Lesson 16
Victor Journey Through the Bible (match reading with Greenleaf)
 You Can Change Your World Vol 2: Maldives
 India: Map work, Geog Songs, Seterra
  An Island Story ch 106,107
 Kidnapped!: Ch 23,24
 Age of Fable: ch 24 Amphion-Muusus
 Oliver Twist: ch. 50-53
Book of Marvels: The Orient rd 1 chapter
Blood and Guts: p83-86
Eyewitness Human Body
 Poetry of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
 William Carey: 2nd of three wks
Tales from Shakespeare-Rd one tale every three wks
Captivity of Mary, Queen of Scotland 10 pgs

 Exam Week


Week 25
Genesis: Greenleaf Lesson 17
Victor Journey Through the Bible (match reading with Greenleaf)
 You Can Change Your World Vol 1: Parsees
 India: Map work, Geog Songs, Seterra
 (choose three articles to outline this term)
An Island Story ch 108,109
 Age of Fable: ch 25 Arion
 Puck of Pook's Hill: ch. 1, Weland's Sword
 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea: Pt 1, ch. 1-4
 Wild Animals I Have Known: Lobo, first third
Book of Marvels: The Orient rd 1 chapter
 Blood and Guts: pg 87-89
 Eyewitness: Human Body  (Follow along in this book as you read Blood and Guts) 
 Poetry of John Greenleaf Whittier: a poem a day
 William Carey- Obliged to Go: 3rd of three wks
Around the World in 80 Days: 3 wks
Tales from Shakespeare-Rd one tale every three wks
Captivity of Mary, Queen of Scotland 10 pgs

 Week 26
 Genesis: Greenleaf Lesson 18
Victor Journey Through the Bible (match reading with Greenleaf)
 You Can Change Your World Vol 1: Irula
 India: Map work, Geog Songs, Seterra
 Age of Fable: ch 25 Ibycus
 An Island Story ch 110,111
 Puck of Pook's Hill: ch. 2, Young Men at Manor
 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea: Pt 1, ch. 5-8
 Wild Animals I Have Known: Lobo, 2nd third
Book of Marvels: The Orient rd 1 chapter      
 Blood and Guts: p90-92
 Eyewitness: Human Body  (Follow along in this book as you read Blood and Guts)
 Poetry of John Greenleaf Whittier: a poem a day
Teresa of Calcutta: 2 wks
Around the World in 80 Days: 2nd of three wks
Amy Carmichael: 2 wks
Tales from Shakespeare-Rd one tale every three wks
Captivity of Mary, Queen of Scotland 10 pgs

 Week 27
 Genesis: Greenleaf Lesson 18
Victor Journey Through the Bible (match reading with Greenleaf)
 You Can Change Your World Vol 1: Sri Lanka
 India: Map work, Geog Songs, Seterra
 An Island Story: ch 112,113
 Age of Fable: ch 25 Simonides, Sappho
 Puck of Pook's Hill: ch 3, Knights of Joyous Venture
 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea: Pt 1, ch. 9-11
 Wild Animals I Have Known: Lobo, last 3rd
Book of Marvels: The Orient rd 1 chapter
Blood and Guts: 93-96
Poetry of John Greenleaf Whittier: a poem a day
Teresa of Calcutta: 2nd of two wks
Around the World in 80 Days: 3rd of three wks
Amy Carmichael: 2nd of two wks
Tales from Shakespeare-Rd one tale every three wks
Captivity of Mary, Queen of Scotland 10 pgs

 Week 28
 Genesis: Greenleaf Lesson 19
Victor Journey Through the Bible (match reading with Greenleaf)
 You Can Change Your World Vol 1 Turkey, Kurds
 Middle East:  Map work , Geog Songs, Seterra
 Material World: Israel
Rd Encyclopedia article: Middle East
Age of Fable: ch 26 Diana and Endymion, Orion
 An Island Story ch 114
 Puck of Pook's Hill: ch. 4, Old Men at Pevensie
 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea: Pt 1, ch. 12-18
Book of Marvels: The Orient rd 1 chapter
Blood and Guts: 97-99
 Eyewitness: Human Body  (Follow along in this book as you read Blood and Guts) 
 Poetry of John Greenleaf Whittier: a poem a day
 Shadow Spinner: 2 wks (optional)
Aladdin and Other Favorite Arabian Nights Stories (take 3 wks to finish)
Tales from Shakespeare-Rd one tale every three wks
Captivity of Mary, Queen of Scotland 10 pgs

 Week 29
 Genesis: Greenleaf Lesson 20
Victor Journey Through the Bible (match reading with Greenleaf)
 You Can Change Your World Vol 1: Yemen, Oman, Qatar, United Arab Emirates
 Middle East:  Map work, Geog Songs, Seterra
Material World: Kuwait
 Age of Fable: ch 26 Aurora and Tithonus, Acis and Galatea
 Puck of Pook's Hill: ch. 5, Centureon of the Thirtieth
 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea: Pt 1, ch. 19-20
 Wild Animals I Have Known: Silverspot, first half
Book of Marvels: The Orient rd 1 chapter
 Blood and Guts: p100-104
 Eyewitness: Human Body  (Follow along in this book as you read Blood and Guts) 
 Poetry of John Greenleaf Whittier: a poem a day
Aladdin and Other Favorite Arabian Nights Stories (take 3 wks to finish)
Shadow Spinner: 2nd of two wks (optional)
Tales from Shakespeare-Rd one tale every three wks
Captivity of Mary, Queen of Scotland 10 pgs

 Week 30
Genesis: Greenleaf Lesson 20
Victor Journey Through the Bible (match reading with Greenleaf)
 You Can Change Your World Vol 2 Iraq, Syria Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan
 Middle East: Map work, Geog Songs, Seterra
 Material World: Iraq
Age of Fable: ch 27 The Trojan War
 Puck of Pook's Hill: ch. 6, On the Great Wall
 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea: Pt 1, ch. 21-23
 Wild Animals I Have Known: Silverspot, 2nd half
Book of Marvels: The Orient rd 1 chapter
 Blood and Guts: p105-107
 Eyewitness: Human Body  (Follow along in this book as you read Blood and Guts)  
 Poetry of John Greenleaf Whittier: a poem a day
Aladdin and Other Favorite Arabian Nights Stories (take 3 wks to finish)
Tales from Shakespeare-Rd one tale every three wks
Captivity of Mary, Queen of Scotland 10 pgs

Week 31
 Genesis: Greenleaf Lesson 21
Victor Journey Through the Bible (match reading with Greenleaf)
 You Can Change Your World Vol 2: Egypt, Tuareg, Pygmies
 Africa: Map work, Geog Songs, Seterra
 Rd Encyclopedia Article
 Material World: Mali
 Age of Fable:  ch 27 The Iliad spend 3 weeks
 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea: Pt 2, ch. 1-4
 Wild Animals I Have Known: Raggylug
 Book of Marvels: catch up if necessary, otherwise finish book
 Blood and Guts: p108-110
 Eyewitness: Human Body  (Follow along in this book as you read Blood and Guts)
 Poetry of John Greenleaf Whittier: a poem a day
 Mary Slessor:  Forward into Calabar:  2 wks
 King of the Wind 2 wks (optional)
Amos Fortune, Free Man: 1 wk
Tales from Shakespeare-Rd one tale every three wks
Captivity of Mary, Queen of Scotland 10 pgs

 Week 32
 Genesis: Greenleaf Lesson 22
 Victor Journey Through the Bible (match reading with Greenleaf)
 You Can Change Your World Vol 2 Republic of Guinea
  Africa: Map work, Geog Songs, Seterra
 Material World: South Africa
Age of Fable: ch 27 The Iliad spend 3 weeks
 Puck of Pook's Hill: ch. 7, Winged Hats
 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea: Pt 2, ch. 5-6
 Wild Animals I Have Known: Bingo
Blood and Guts pg 111-114
 Eyewitness: Human Body  (Follow along in this book as you read Blood and Guts)                 
 Poetry of John Greenleaf Whittier: a poem a day
 Mary Slessor: Forward into Calabar: 2nd of two wks
Journey to Jo eburg:  1 wk
King of the Wind: 2nd of two wks (optional)
Tales from Shakespeare-Rd one tale every three wks
Captivity of Mary, Queen of Scotland 10 pgs

 Week 33
 Genesis: Greenleaf Lesson 23
Victor Journey Through the Bible (match reading with Greenleaf)
 You Can Change Your World Vol 1 Chad, Ethiopia
 Africa: Map work , Geog Songs, Seterra
Material World: Ethiopia
 Age of Fable: ch 27 The Iliad spend 3 weeks
 Puck of Pook's Hill: ch. 8, Hal o'the Draft
 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea: Pt 2, ch. 7-12
 Wild Animals I Have Known: The Springfield Fox
Blood and Guts: p115-119
 Eyewitness: Human Body  (Follow along in this book as you read Blood and Guts)
 Poetry of John Greenleaf Whittier: a poem a day
 Escape to the Jungle 4 wks (optional)
 Star of Light 3 wks
Tales from Shakespeare-Rd one tale every three wks
Captivity of Mary, Queen of Scotland 10 pgs

 Week 34
 Genesis: Greenleaf Lesson 23
 Victor Journey Through the Bible (match reading with Greenleaf)
 You Can Change Your World Vol 1 Zimbabwe, Djibouti
 Africa: Map work, Geog Songs, Seterra
Age of Fable: ch 28 The Fall of Troy spend 2 weeks
 Puck of Pook's Hill: ch. 9, Dymehurch Flit
 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea: Pt 2, ch. 13-15
 Wild Animals I Have Known: The Pacing Mustang
Blood and Guts: p120-122
Poetry of John Greenleaf Whittier: a poem a day
 Escape to the Jungle: 2nd of four wks
 Star of Light: 2nd of three wks
Tales from Shakespeare-Rd one tale every three wks
Captivity of Mary, Queen of Scotland 10 pgs

 Week 35
 Genesis: Greenleaf Lesson 24
Victor Journey Through the Bible (match reading with Greenleaf)
 You Can Change Your World Vol 1 Wolof, Riff, Lobi
 Africa: Map work, Geog Songs, Seterra
Age of Fable: ch 28 The Fall of Troy spend 2 weeks
 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea: Pt 2, ch. 16-19
 Wild Animals I Have Known: Wully
 Blood and Guts: p123-127 Talk to mom afterwards
 Eyewitness: Human Body  (Follow along in this book as you read Blood and Guts)
 Poetry of John Greenleaf Whittier: a poem a day
 Star of Light: 3rd of three wks
 Escape to the Jungle: 3rd of four wks
Tales from Shakespeare-Rd one tale every three wks
Captivity of Mary, Queen of Scotland 10 pgs

 Week 36
 Genesis: Greenleaf Lesson 24
 Victor Journey Through the Bible (match reading with Greenleaf)
 You Can Change Your World Vol 1: Dogon, Vagla, Zulu
 Africa: Map work , Geog Songs, Seterra
Age of Fable: ch 28 Agamemnon-Troy (end of chapter)
 Puck of Pook's Hill: ch. 10, Treasure and the Law
 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea: Pt 2, ch. 20-end
 Wild Animals I Have Known: Redruff
 optional-you may wish to work on human body model
 Poetry of John Greenleaf Whittier: a poem a day
 Escape to the Jungle: finish
Tales from Shakespeare-Rd one tale every three wks
Captivity of Mary, Queen of Scotland -Finish book