Charlotte Mason Help

Year 6 Program and Books

The Student Bible Guide by Tim Dowley and Richard Scott
Student Bible Guide to Jerusalem (optional)

For private daily Bible reading may use:
Old Testament
Greenleaf Old Testament Guide by Shearer
Victor Journey through the Bible
Bible Journal-sermon notes, prayer, Bible Themes

Character Studies:
Torches of Joy by Dekker

Transcribe (copy) some of your favorite passages from poetry and literature.
Two perfectly written lines daily.
Journal writing
Three written narrations weekly

One page to be prepared carefully: then a paragraph from one of these pages to be written from dictation, or, occasionally, from memory. Use the books set for reading and history (preferred) or use:
Wheeler's Graded Studies in Great Authors by Henry Wheeler is one option that we recommend.

English Grammar
Easy Grammar grade 6 by Wanda Phillips
Easy Grammar Plus

World History
Oxford First Ancient History by Roy Burell (currently difficult to find at affordable prices. This can be omitted if necessary.)
Keep a Book of the Centuries (see notes on method)  

*Pharaohs of Ancient Egypt by Elizabeth Ann Payne  
*Tales of Ancient Egypt by Roger Green
*The Riddle of the Rosetta Stone by James Cross Giblin
*The Cat of the Bubastes by G. A. Henty

**The Story of the Greeks by H.A. Guerber
** ***Tales of Troy and Greece by Lang
**Hittite Warrior by Joanne S. Williamson

*** The Story of the Romans by Guerber
** ***Augustus Caesar’s World by Foster (proofread and discuss. Excellent book, but some anti-Christian bias in places)
*** Joel, A Boy from Galilee by Annie Fellows Johnston and Mark A. Hamby
Recommended Movies:  The Ten Commandments, The Robe, Ben Hur, The Hobbit, and Spartacus (edit)
***Ben Hur by Lew Wallace and/or the movie (optional)

Plutarch's Lives – Read aloud one life per term with a parent and use Anne’s Notes at Amblesideonline.
the student can read a slightly easier version of Plutarch on his own called
Plutarch's Lives by W.H. Weston, Illustrated by W. Rainey

(we alternate each term between Shakespeare and Plutarch)

World Wall Map –track places Halliburton visited
* **Book of Marvels: The Occident by Halliburton (view color pictures of places)
** ***Kon Tiki by Thor Heyerdahl
Bible Atlas- Use Bible atlas while reading about the ancient world
Seterra Map Drills

Natural History and Science
It Couldn't Just Happen by Richards
*The World of Chemistry by Tiner
** ***The Sea Around Us by Rachel Carson-Young Peoples’ edition

Keep a Nature Journal:
Watch, identify and describe their habits and location.
6 birds each term
6 plants each term (wild fruits, twigs of trees, wildflowers)
6 animals/insects each term
Record 12 each term in journal 

Science Biographies:
*Albert Einstein Ordinary Genius by McPherson
**Archimedes and the Door of Science by Jeanne Bendick
***Michael Faraday: Father of Electronics by Charles Ludwig

Picture Study
Reproductions of six pictures by an artist per term.
Child’s History of Art: Architecture by Hillyer (optional)

Continue math program (truncate long lessons to no more than 40 minutes daily)
Spatial Problem Solving with Cuisenaire Rods (optional)
Cuisenaire Rods (optional)

Foreign Language
Continue learning the grammar
Begin translating literature passages into English in written form.

Drawing and Painting
From nature and tales.
Artistic Pursuits (Junior High level)
Learn to use Nupastels
They're tougher than traditional soft pastels, but maintain the same rich, creamy pigments needed for superior blending and shading.

A Psalm and two suitable passages of twelve verses each from the old and new testaments. 
A lengthy passage from poet being studied. Should equal approx. 40 lines.

*Psalm 37: 1-12, Isaiah 40: 1-11
**Isaiah 40:12- 20, Proverbs 2
***Isaiah 40:21-31, I Peter 1:1-8

Scheduled Literature
Shakespeare (choose a comedy to read aloud together throughout a term; then watch the play if you can. BBC versions recommended)
Age of Fable by Bulfinch
The Hobbit by Tolkien
*Call of the Wild by London (parent should read and discuss the author’s “survival of the fittest” evolutionary view)
**Swiss Family Robinson by Wyss
**Animal Farm by Orwell (parents should read and discuss the author’s message in this tale- you can research it at Sparknotes online)
***Never Give in: The Extraordinary Character of Winston Churchill by Stephen Mansfield

* Robert Frost, edited by Gary D. Schmidt
** Carl Sandburg, edited by Frances Schoonmaker Bolin
***Favorite Poems Old and New by Helen Ferris

Teach Yourself to Play Piano (or Keyboard) book and DVD  by Manus, Morton, Palmer, and Willard A.

Composer Study
The Story of Chopin in Words and Music
Greatest Hits: Chopin
The Story of Wagner in Words and Music (pronounced Vogner)
Greatest Hits: Wagner
The Story of Grieg (and Schumann) in Words and Music
Greatest Hits: Grieg

Two folksongs per term (
Two hymns per term

Physical Education
Ball games and aerobics

Help in house or garden.
See handicraft list for further ideas

Additional Literature
Little Women by Alcott
Little Men by Alcott
Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIMH by O’brien
Legend of Sleepy Hollow by Irving
The Wouldbegoods by Edith Nesbit
The Cricket on the Hearth by Charles Dickens
The First Four Years by Laura Ingalls Wilder
These Happy Golden Years by Laura Ingalls Wilder
Where the Red Fern Grows by Wilson Rawls
Jack and Jill by Alcott
What Katy Did by Coolidge
Follow My Leader by Garfield
Penrod by Tarkington
Goodbye, Mr. Chips by Hilton and watch the movie
An Old Fashioned Girl by Alcott
A Little Brother to the Bear by Long
The Bronze Boy by E. Speare
Eagle of the Ninth by Sutcliff
Young Carthaginian by Henty

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