Charlotte Mason Help

Year 6 Schedule

This schedule does not include:

DAILY- handwriting, math, foreign language, recitation
WEEKLY- nature study, picture study, composer study, singing, and handicrafts.

Week 1
(Although Victor Journey through the Bible is on the booklist, it has not been added to the schedule yet)

Week 1
Greenleaf Guide to OT History: (5 lessons per wk) begin with lesson 25
Oxford First Ancient History:  Begin with introduction: rd 6 pgs
Pharaohs of Ancient Egypt: (take 2wks to rd) Rediscovery of Ancient Egypt
Riddle of the Rosetta Stone: rd in 2 wks
Tales of Ancient Egypt: read one tale
The Cat of Bubastes: read 1 chapter
Call of the Wild: ch 1
It Couldn't Just Happen: ch 1 first ½
World of Chemistry:  ch 1
Poetry of Robert Frost
Plutarch or Shakespeare: read slowly through a life or a play for the term
Age of Fable: ch 29 Return of Ulysses
The Hobbit: read forward and ch 1
Book Of Marvels: The Occident   ch 1       
Albert Einstein: Ordinary Genius – none this week
Hillyer’s Architecture: rd ch 1

Week 2
Greenleaf Guide to OT History: (5 lessons per wk)
Oxford First Ancient History:  rd 8pgs
Pharaohs of Ancient Egypt: (take 2wks to rd)  Rediscovery of Ancient Egypt
Tales of Ancient Egypt: rd two tales
Riddle of the Rosetta Stone: rd in 2 wks
The Cat of Bubastes: read 2 chapters
Call of the Wild: ch 2
It Couldn’t Just Happen: ch 1
World of Chemistry:  ch 2
Poetry of Robert Frost
Plutarch or Shakespeare: read slowly through a life or a play for the term
Age of Fable: ch 29 the L¾strygonians
The Hobbit: ch 2
Book Of Marvels: The Occident     ch 2,3     
Albert Einstein: Ordinary Genius rd ch 1
Hillyer’s Architecture: rd ch 2

Week 3
Greenleaf Guide to OT History: (5 lessons per wk)
Oxford First Ancient History:  rd 8pgs
Pharaohs of Ancient Egypt: (take 1wkto rd) First Egyptians...
Tales of Ancient Egypt: rd two tales
The Cat of Bubastes: read 2 chapters
Call of the Wild:  ch3a
It Couldn’t Just Happen: ch 2 first ½
World of Chemistry:  ch 3
Poetry of Robert Frost
Plutarch or Shakespeare: read slowly through a life or a play for the term
Age of Fable: ch 29 Scylla and the Charbdis, Calypso
The Hobbit: ch 3
Book Of Marvels: The Occident    ch 4      
Albert Einstein: Ordinary Genius rd ch 2
Hillyer’s Architecture: rd ch 3

Week 4
Greenleaf Guide to OT History: (5 lessons per wk)
Oxford First Ancient History:  rd 8pgs
Pharaohs of Ancient Egypt: (take 2wks to rd) The Good God
Tales of Ancient Egypt: read one tale
The Cat of Bubastes: read 2 chapters
Call of the Wild: ch3b
It Couldn’t Just Happen: ch 2
World of Chemistry:  ch 4
Poetry of Robert Frost
Plutarch or Shakespeare: read slowly through a life or a play for the term
Age of Fable: ch 30 the Ph¾acians spend 2 weeks as needed
The Hobbit: ch 4
Book Of Marvels: The Occident  ch 5,6        
Hillyer’s Architecture: rd ch 4

Week 5
Greenleaf Guide to OT History: (5 lessons per wk)
Oxford First Ancient History:  rd 8pgs
Pharaohs of Ancient Egypt: (take 2wks to rd) "The Good God"
Tales of Ancient Egypt: read two tales
The Cat of Bubastes: read 2 chapters
Call of the Wild: ch4a
It Couldn’t Just Happen: ch  3 first ½
World of Chemistry:  ch 5
Poetry of Robert Frost
Plutarch or Shakespeare: read slowly through a life or a play for the term
Age of Fable: ch 30 the Ph¾acians spend 2 weeks as needed
The Hobbit: ch 5
Book Of Marvels: The ch 7          
Albert Einstein: Ordinary Genius rd ch 3
Hillyer’s Architecture: rd ch 5

Week 6
Greenleaf Guide to OT History: (5 lessons per wk)
Oxford First Ancient History:  rd 8pgs
Pharaohs of Ancient Egypt: (take 1wk to rd)  I Show Thee a Land...
Tales of Ancient Egypt: read two tales
The Cat of Bubastes: read 2 chapters
Call of the Wild:  ch 4b
It Couldn’t Just Happen: ch 3
World of Chemistry:  ch 6
Poetry of Robert Frost
Plutarch or Shakespeare: read slowly through a life or a play for the term
Age of Fable: ch 30 the Fate of the Suitors
The Hobbit: ch 6
Book Of Marvels: The Occident    ch 8,9      
Albert Einstein: Ordinary Genius rd ch 4
Hillyer’s Architecture: rd ch 6

Week 7
Greenleaf Guide to OT History: (5 lessons per wk)
Oxford First Ancient History:  rd 8pgs
Pharaohs of Ancient Egypt: (take 2wks to rd) His Majesty, Herself
Tales of Ancient Egypt: read one tale
The Cat of Bubastes: read 2 chapters
Call of the Wild: ch 5a
It Couldn’t Just Happen: ch 4 first ½
World of Chemistry:  ch 7
Poetry of Robert Frost
Plutarch or Shakespeare: read slowly through a life or a play for the term
Age of Fable: ch 31 Adventures of ®neas
The Hobbit: ch 7
Book Of Marvels: The Occident     ch 10     
Albert Einstein: Ordinary Genius rd ch 5
Hillyer’s Architecture: rd ch 7

Week 8
Greenleaf Guide to OT History: (5 lessons per wk)
Oxford First Ancient History:  rd 8pgs
Pharaohs of Ancient Egypt: (take 2wks to rd)  His Majesty, Herself
Tales of Ancient Egypt: rd two tales
The Cat of Bubastes: read 2 chapters
Call of the Wild:  ch 5b
It Couldn’t Just Happen: ch 4
World of Chemistry:  ch 8
Poetry of Robert Frost
Plutarch or Shakespeare: read slowly through a life or a play for the term
Age of Fable: ch 31 Dido, Palinurus
The Hobbit: ch 8
Book Of Marvels: The Occident      ch 11,12
Albert Einstein: Ordinary Genius skip this week
Hillyer’s Architecture: rd ch 8

Week 9
Greenleaf Guide to OT History: (5 lessons per wk)
Oxford First Ancient History:  rd 8pgs
Pharaohs of Ancient Egypt: (take 1wk to rd) Smiter of the Asiatics
Tales of Ancient Egypt: rd two tales
The Cat of Bubastes: read 2 chapters
Call of the Wild: ch 6a
It Couldn’t Just Happen: ch 5 first ½
World of Chemistry:  ch 9
Poetry of Robert Frost
Plutarch or Shakespeare: read slowly through a life or a play for the term
Age of Fable: ch 32 the Infernal regions spend 2 weeks as needed
The Hobbit: ch 9
Book Of Marvels: The Occident    ch 13,14        
Albert Einstein: Ordinary Genius rd ch 6
Hillyer’s Architecture: rd ch 9

Week 10
Greenleaf Guide to OT History: (5 lessons per wk)
Oxford First Ancient History:  rd 8pgs
Pharaohs of Ancient Egypt: (take 2wks to rd) Criminal of Akhetaton
Tales of Ancient Egypt: read one tale
The Cat of Bubastes: read 2 chapters
Call of the Wild: ch 6b
It Couldn’t Just Happen: ch 5
World of Chemistry:  ch 10
Poetry of Robert Frost
Plutarch or Shakespeare: read slowly through a life or a play for the term
Age of Fable: ch 32 the infernal regions spend 2 weeks as needed
The Hobbit: ch 10
Book Of Marvels: The Occident   ch 15,16        
Albert Einstein: Ordinary Genius rd ch 7
Hillyer’s Architecture: rd ch 10

Week 11
Greenleaf Guide to OT History: (5 lessons per wk)
Oxford First Ancient History:  rd 8pgs
Pharaohs of Ancient Egypt: (take 2wks to rd) Criminal of Akhetaton
Nefertiti the Mystery Queen: 1 wk
Tales of Ancient Egypt: read two tales
The Cat of Bubastes: read 2 chapters
Call of the Wild: ch 7a
It Couldn’t Just Happen: ch 6 first ½
World of Chemistry:  ch 11
Poetry of Robert Frost
Plutarch or Shakespeare: read slowly through a life or a play for the term
Age of Fable: ch 32 elysium, the sibyl
The Hobbit: ch 11
Book Of Marvels: The Occident  ch 17,18        
Albert Einstein: Ordinary Genius rd ch 8
Hillyer’s Architecture: rd ch 11

Week 12
Greenleaf Guide to OT History: (5 lessons per wk)
Oxford First Ancient History:  finish Early Civilizations section
Pharaohs of Ancient Egypt: (take 1wk to rd) Beginning of the End
Secrets of Tut's tomb and the Pyramids: 1 wk
Tales of Ancient Egypt: finish
The Cat of Bubastes: finish
Call of the Wild:  finish
It Couldn’t Just Happen: ch 6
World of Chemistry:  ch 12
Poetry of Robert Frost
Plutarch or Shakespeare: read slowly through a life or a play for the term
Age of Fable: ch 33 camilla, opening the gates, camilla
The Hobbit: ch 12
Book Of Marvels: The Occident     ch 19,20
Albert Einstein: Ordinary Genius rd ch 9

Exam Week

Week 13
Greenleaf Guide to OT History: (5 lessons per wk)
Student Bible Guide (rd 2pgs)
Hittite Warrior: prologue, ch1
Oxford First Ancient History:  rd 8pgs
Story of the Greeks by HA Guerber ch 1-9
Augustus Caesar's World: Janus, XI-XIII/Under a Lucky Star pg 5-The Ides of March, pg10-13 (This book contains sections on the birth of world religions presented from a secular humanist point of view. Parents may wish to cover these sections closely with their children.)
Swiss Family Robinson: ch 1-3
Archimedes and the Door of Science rd ch 1 and 2
It Couldn’t Just Happen: ch 7 first ½
The Sea Around Us-skip chapter one; read first ½ of chapter 2
Poetry of Carl Sandburg
Plutarch or Shakespeare: read slowly through a life or a play for the term
Age of Fable: ch 33 evander, infant rome
Animal Farm: ch 1
The Hobbit: ch 13
Book Of Marvels: The Occident     ch 21,22     
Tales of Troy ch 1
Hillyer’s Architecture: rd ch 12

Week 14
Greenleaf Guide to OT History: (5 lessons per wk)
Student Bible Guide (rd 2pgs)
Hittite Warrior: ch 2,3
Oxford First Ancient History:  rd 8pgs
Story of the Greeks by HA Guerber ch 10-19
Augustus Caesar's World: Cleopatra and her Son, p 14-Cicero, 22-26
Archimedes and the Door of Science: ch 3
Swiss Family Robinson: ch 4-7
It Couldn’t Just Happen: ch 7
The Sea Around Us: ch 2
Plutarch or Shakespeare: read slowly through a life or a play for the term
Age of Fable: ch 33 nisus and euryalus
Animal Farm: ch 2
The Hobbit: ch 14
Book Of Marvels: The Occident   ch 23,24   
Tales of Troy ch 2
Hillyer’s Architecture: rd ch 13

Week 15
Greenleaf Guide to OT History: (5 lessons per wk)
Student Bible Guide (rd 2pgs)
Hittite Warrior: ch  4,5,6
Story of the Greeks by HA Guerber ch 20-29
Oxford First Ancient History:  rd 8pgs
Augustus Caesar's World: Conspirators Without a Plan, p 26-Why is July, 35-40
Swiss Family Robinson: ch 8-10
Archimedes and the Door of Science: ch 4
It Couldn’t Just Happen: ch  8 first ½
The Sea Around Us: ch 3 first ½
Poetry of Carl Sandburg
Plutarch or Shakespeare: read slowly through a life or a play for the term
Age of Fable: ch 33 mezentius, pallas, camilla, turnus
Animal Farm: ch 3
The Hobbit: ch 15
Book Of Marvels: The Occident  ch 25,26    
Tales of Troy ch 3
Hillyer’s Architecture: rd ch 14

Week 16
Greenleaf Guide to OT History: (5 lessons per wk)
Student Bible Guide (rd 2pgs)
Hittite Warrior: ch 7,8
Oxford First Ancient History:  rd 8pgs
Story of the Greeks by HA Guerber ch 30-39
Augustus Caesar's World: Gauls, Geese and Black Vultures, p 41-1/2 of Bloody Finger Prints, 50-54
Swiss Family Robinson: ch
Archimedes and the Door of Science: ch 5
It Couldn’t Just Happen: ch 8
The Sea Around Us ch 3
Poetry of Carl Sandburg
Plutarch or Shakespeare: read slowly through a life or a play for the term
Age of Fable: ch 34 pythagoras
Animal Farm: ch  4
The Hobbit: ch 16
Book Of Marvels: The Occident     ch 27,28     
Tales of Troy ch 4
Hillyer’s Architecture: rd ch 15

Week 17
Greenleaf Guide to OT History: (5 lessons per wk)
Student Bible Guide (rd 2pgs)
Hittite Warrior: ch 9,10,11
Story of the Greeks by HA Guerber ch 40-49
Oxford First Ancient History:  rd 8pgs
Augustus Caesar's World: 1/2 of Bloody Finger Prints, p 55-1/2 of Herod, Future King of the Jews, 66-68
Swiss Family Robinson: ch 11-14
Archimedes and the Door of Science: ch 6
It Couldn’t Just Happen: ch 9 first ½
The Sea Around Us: ch 4 first ½
Poetry of Carl Sandburg
Plutarch or Shakespeare: read slowly through a life or a play for the term
Age of Fable: ch 34 sybaris and crotona, myth of osiris and isis
Animal Farm: ch 5
The Hobbit: ch 17
Book Of Marvels: The Occident     ch 29,30       
Tales of Troy ch 5
Hillyer’s Architecture: rd ch 16

Week 18
Greenleaf Guide to OT History: (5 lessons per wk)
Student Bible Guide (rd 2pgs)
Hittite Warrior: ch 12,13
Oxford First Ancient History:  rd 8pgs
Story of the Greeks by HA Guerber ch 50-58
Augustus Caesar's World: 1/2 of Herod, Future King of the Jews, p 69--Antony and Octavian divide the World, 77-79
Swiss Family Robinson: ch 15-17
Archimedes and the Door of Science: ch 7,8
The Sea Around Us: ch 4
It Couldn’t Just Happen: ch 9
Poetry of Carl Sandburg
Plutarch or Shakespeare: read slowly through a life or a play for the term
Age of Fable: ch 34 oracles-oracle of ¾sculapis
Animal Farm: ch 6
The Hobbit: ch 18
Kon Tiki: read chapter 1
Tales of Troy ch 6
Hillyer’s Architecture: rd ch 17

Week 19
Greenleaf Guide to OT History: (5 lessons per wk)
Student Bible Guide (rd 2pgs)
Hittite Warrior: ch 14,15,16
Oxford First Ancient History:  rd 8pgs
Story of the Greeks by HA Guerber ch 59-66
Augustus Caesar's World: Horace and the Country Mouse, 80-Herod, the Fugitive, 91-92
Swiss Family Robinson: ch 18-21
The Sea Around Us: ch 5 first ½  
Archimedes and the Door of Science: ch 9
It Couldn’t Just Happen: ch 10 rd entire chapter
Poetry of Carl Sandburg
Plutarch or Shakespeare: read slowly through a life or a play for the term
Age of Fable: ch 34 oracle of apis
Animal Farm: ch 7
The Hobbit: ch 19
Tales of Troy ch7
Kon Tiki: ch 2 first half
Hillyer’s Architecture: rd ch 18

Week 20
Greenleaf Guide to OT History: (5 lessons per wk)
Student Bible Guide (rd 2pgs)
Hittite Warrior: ch 17,18
Oxford First Ancient History:  rd 8pgs
Story of the Greeks by HA Guerber ch 68-77
Augustus Caesar's World: Virgil and Isaiah, 93-To Athens and Return, 102-106
Swiss Family Robinson: ch 22-24
Archimedes and the Door of Science: ch 10,11
The Sea Around Us ch. 5
It Couldn’t Just Happen: ch 11 first ½
Poetry of Carl Sandburg
Plutarch or Shakespeare: read slowly through a life or a play for the term
Age of Fable: ch 35 origin of mythology
Animal Farm ch 8
Tales of Troy ch 8
Kon Tiki: ch 2 second half
Hillyer’s Architecture: rd ch 19

Week 21
Greenleaf Guide to OT History: (5 lessons per wk)
Student Bible Guide (rd 2pgs)
Story of the Greeks by HA Guerber ch 78-86
Oxford First Ancient History:  rd 8pgs
Hittite Warrior: ch19,20,21
Augustus Caesar's World: The Future Empress, 107-The Love Story Ends, 117-121
Swiss Family Robinson: ch 25-28
Archimedes and the Door of Science: ch 12
The Sea Around Us: ch 6 first ½
It Couldn’t Just Happen: ch 11
Poetry of Carl Sandburg
Plutarch or Shakespeare: read slowly through a life or a play for the term
Age of Fable: ch 35 statues of the gods-the diana a la biche
Animal Farm ch 9
Kon Tiki: ch 3 first half
Tales of Troy ch9
Hillyer’s Architecture: rd ch 20

Week 22
Greenleaf Guide to OT History: (5 lessons per wk)
Student Bible Guide (rd 2pgs)
Story of the Greeks by HA Guerber ch 87-96
Hittite Warrior: ch 22,23
Oxford First Ancient History:  rd 8pgs
Augustus Caesar's World: Herod and Mariamne, 122-Augustus Caesar, 133-136
Swiss Family Robinson: ch ch 29-31
The Sea Around Us ch. 6
Archimedes and the Door of Science: ch 13
It Couldn’t Just Happen: ch 12 first ½
Poetry of Carl Sandburg
Plutarch or Shakespeare: read slowly through a life or a play for the term
Age of Fable: ch 35 the poets of mythology-ovid
Animal Farm ch 10
Kon Tiki: ch 3 second half
Tales of Troy ch 10
Hillyer’s Architecture: rd ch 21

Week 23
Greenleaf Guide to OT History: (5 lessons per wk)
Student Bible Guide (rd 2pgs)
Story of the Greeks by HA Guerber ch 97-106
Oxford First Ancient History:  rd 8pgs
Hittite Warrior: ch 24,25,26
Augustus Caesar's World: The Druids, 137-1/2 of The Pantheon, 147-148
Swiss Family Robinson: ch 32-35
The Sea Around Us ch. 7 first ½
Archimedes and the Door of Science: ch 14 and Archimedes’ Writings
It Couldn’t Just Happen: ch 12
Poetry of Carl Sandburg
Plutarch or Shakespeare: read slowly through a life or a play for the term
Age of Fable: ch 36 modern monstres, the phoenix, the cockatrice
Animal Farm: Finish book
Kon Tiki:  ch 4 first half
Tales of Troy ch11
Hillyer’s Architecture: rd ch 22

Week 24
Greenleaf Guide to OT History: (5 lessons per wk)
Student Bible Guide (rd 4pgs)
Story of the Greeks by HA Guerber ch 107-115
Oxford First Ancient History:  Finish Greece section
Hittite Warrior ch ch 27,28
Tales of Troy ch 12
Augustus Caesar's World: 1/2 of The Pantheon, 149-Who were the Roman Gods: Mars, 160-161
Swiss Family Robinson: ch ch 36-38
It Couldn't Just Happen: catch up if needed
The Sea Around Us: ch 7
Archimedes and the Door of Science
Poetry of Carl Sandburg
Plutarch or Shakespeare: read slowly through a life or a play for the term
Age of Fable: ch 36 the unicorn, the salamander
Kon Tiki: ch 4 second half

 Exam Week

Week 25
Greenleaf Guide to OT History: (5 lessons per wk)
Student Bible Guide to Jerusalem (2pgs)
Story of the Romans by HA Guerber ch 1-8
Oxford First Ancient History:  rd 8pgs
Augustus Caesar's World: Jupiter, 162-Out of Persia, p 170-174
Biog: Winston Churchill (one-twelfth of bk)
The Sea Around Us ch. 8 first ½
It Couldn’t Just Happen: ch 13 rd entire chapter
Favorite Poems Old and New (student choice)
Plutarch or Shakespeare: read slowly through a life or a play for the term
Age of Fable: ch 37 zoroaster, hindu mythology
Joel, A 1.
Kon Tiki: Ch 5 first half
Tales of Greece: rd 1 chapter
Michael Faraday: Father of Electronics- Read two chapters this week
Hillyer’s Architecture: rd ch 23
Ben Hur: you will read throughout term and possibly summer
                rd approx 6 ch wkly

Week 26
Greenleaf Guide to OT History: (5 lessons per wk)
Student Bible Guide to Jerusalem (2pgs)
Oxford First Ancient History:  rd 8pgs
Story of the Romans by HA Guerber ch 9-17
Augustus Caesar's World: We Still Call it Sunday, p 174-1/2 of the Law of Moses, 186-188
Biog: Winston Churchill (one-twelfth of bk)
The Sea Around Us ch. 8
It Couldn’t Just Happen: ch 14 rd first ½
Favorite Poems Old and New (student choice)
Plutarch or Shakespeare: read slowly through a life or a play for the term
Age of Fable: ch 37 vishnu-castes
Joel, A Boy... ch 2,3
Kon Tiki: chapter 5 second half
Michael Faraday: Father of Electronics- Read one chapter this week
Hillyer’s Architecture: rd ch 24
Ben Hur: rd approx 6 chapters this week
Week 27
Greenleaf Guide to OT History: (5 lessons per wk)
Student Bible Guide to Jerusalem (2pgs)
Story of the Romans by HA Guerber ch 18-26
Oxford First Ancient History:  rd 8pgs
Augustus Caesar's World: 1/2 of the Law of Moses, p 189-1/2 of A Roman Emperor, 199-201
Biog: Winston Churchill (one-twelfth of bk)
The Sea Around Us ch. 9 first ½
It Couldn’t Just Happen: ch 14
Favorite Poems Old and New (student choice)
Plutarch or Shakespeare: read slowly through a life or a play for the term
Age of Fable: ch 37 buddha-prester john
Joel, A 4 
Kon Tiki: ch6 first half
Tales of Greece: rd 1 chapter
Michael Faraday: Father of Electronics- Read one chapter this week
Hillyer’s Architecture: rd ch 25
Ben Hur: rd approx 6 chapters this week
Week 28
Greenleaf Guide to OT History: (5 lessons per wk)
Student Bible Guide to Jerusalem (2pgs)
Story of the Romans by HA Guerber ch 27-35
Oxford First Ancient History:  rd 8pgs
Augustus Caesar's World: 1/2 of A Roman Emperor, 199-202-Philo and the Lighthouse, 210-214
Biog: Winston Churchill (one-twelfth of bk)
Favorite Poems Old and New (student choice)
Plutarch or Shakespeare: read slowly through a life or a play for the term
Age of Fable: ch 38 northern mythology, the joys of valhalla
It Couldn’t Just Happen: ch 15 first ½
The Sea Around Us: ch 9
Joel, A Boy...5,6
Kon Tiki: ch6 second half
Tales of Greece: rd 1 chapter
Michael Faraday: Father of Electronics- Read one chapter this week
Hillyer’s Architecture: rd ch 26
Ben Hur: rd approx 6 chapters this week
Week 29
Greenleaf Guide to OT History: (5 lessons per wk)
Student Bible Guide to Jerusalem (2pgs)
Story of the Romans by HA Guerber ch 36-43
Oxford First Ancient History:  rd 8pgs
Augustus Caesar's World: Questions and Answers, 215-Stepsons and Stars, 224-227
Biog: Winston Churchill (one-twelfth of bk)
The Sea Around Us ch. 10 first ½
It Couldn’t Just Happen: ch 15
Plutarch or Shakespeare: read slowly through a life or a play for the term
Age of Fable: ch 38 the valkyrior-how thor paid his wages
Favorite Poems Old and New (student choice)
Joel, A Boy... ch 7
Kon Tiki: ch 7 first half
Tales of Greece: rd 1 chapter
Michael Faraday: Father of Electronics- Read one chapter this week
Hillyer’s Architecture: rd ch 27
Ben Hur: rd approx 6 chapters this week
Week 30
Greenleaf Guide to OT History: (5 lessons per wk)
Student Bible Guide to Jerusalem (2pgs)
Story of the Romans by HA Guerber ch 44-51
Oxford First Ancient History:  rd 8pgs
Augustus Caesar's World: Strabo and the World, 228-1/2 of Children of the Sun, 239-240
Biog: Winston Churchill (one-twelfth of bk)
The Sea Around Us ch. 10
It Couldn’t Just Happen: ch 16 first ½
Favorite Poems Old and New (student choice)
Plutarch or Shakespeare: read slowly through a life or a play for the term
Age of Fable: ch 38 the recovery of the hammer
Joel, A Boy... 8,9
Kon Tiki:ch 7 second half
Tales of Greece: rd 1 chapter
Michael Faraday: Father of Electronics- Read one chapter this week
Hillyer’s Architecture: rd ch 28
Ben Hur: rd approx 6 chapters this week

Week 31
Greenleaf Guide to OT History: (5 lessons per wk)
Student Bible Guide to Jerusalem (2pgs)
Story of the Romans by HA Guerber ch 52-60
Oxford First Ancient History:  rd 8pgs
Augustus Caesar's World: 1/2 of Children of the Sun, 241-1/2 of Land of the Dragon, 250-253
Biog: Winston Churchill (one-twelfth of bk)
The Sea Around Us ch. 11 first ½
It Couldn’t Just Happen: ch 16
Favorite Poems Old and New (student choice)
Plutarch or Shakespeare: read slowly through a life or a play for the term
Age of Fable: ch 39 thor's visit to jotunheim spend 2 weeks as needed
Joel, A Boy   ch 10
Kon Tiki: ch 8 first half
Tales of Greece: rd 1 chapter
Michael Faraday: Father of Electronics- Read one chapter this week
Hillyer’s Architecture: rd ch 29
Ben Hur: rd approx 6 chapters this week
Week 32
Greenleaf Guide to OT History: (5 lessons per wk)
Student Bible Guide to Jerusalem (2pgs)
Story of the Romans by HA Guerber ch 61-68
Oxford First Ancient History:  rd 8pgs
Augustus Caesar's World: 1/2 of Land of the Dragon, 254-Of India and the Hindus, 258-266
Biog: Winston Churchill (one-twelfth of bk)
It Couldn’t Just Happen: ch 17 read entire chapter
The Sea Around Us: ch 11
Favorite Poems Old and New (student choice)
Plutarch or Shakespeare: read slowly through a life or a play for the term
Age of Fable: ch 39 thor's visit to jotunheim spend 2 weeks as needed
Joel, A 11, 12 
Kon Tiki: ch8 second half
Tales of Greece: rd 1 chapter
Michael Faraday: Father of Electronics- Read one chapter this week
Hillyer’s Architecture: Finish book
Ben Hur: rd approx 6 chapters this week
Week 33
Greenleaf Guide to OT History: (5 lessons per wk)
Student Bible Guide to Jerusalem (2pgs)
Story of the Romans by HA Guerber ch 69-76
Oxford First Ancient History:  rd 8pgs
Augustus Caesar's World: Buddha and the Kingdom of Truth, 267-Tiberius, 282
Biog: Winston Churchill (one-twelfth of bk)
Ben Hur-begin now a read throughout the summer
The Sea Around Us ch. 12 first ½
It Couldn’t Just Happen: ch 18 read entire chapter
Favorite Poems Old and New (student choice)
Plutarch or Shakespeare: read slowly through a life or a play for the term
Age of Fable: ch 40 death of baldur
Joel, A Boy... ch 13
Kon Tiki:  finish book
Tales of Greece: rd 1 chapter
Michael Faraday: Father of Electronics- Read one chapter this week
Ben Hur: rd approx 6 chapters this week
Week 34
Greenleaf Guide to OT History: (5 lessons per wk)
Student Bible Guide to Jerusalem (2pgs)
Story of the Romans by HA Guerber ch 77-85
Augustus Caesar's World: A Boy of Nazareth, 283-On the German Border, 295-298
Oxford First Ancient History:  rd 8pgs
Biog: Winston Churchill (one-twelfth of bk)
The Sea Around Us ch. 12
It Couldn’t Just Happen: ch 19 first ½
Favorite Poems Old and New (student choice)
Plutarch or Shakespeare: read slowly through a life or a play for the term
Age of Fable: ch 40 funeral of baldur-iceland
Joel, A 14, 15
Tales of Greece: rd 1 chapter
Michael Faraday: Father of Electronics- Read one chapter this week
Ben Hur: rd approx 6 chapters this week
Week 35
New Testament
Student Bible Guide to Jerusalem (2pgs)
Story of the Romans by HA Guerber ch 86-93
Oxford First Ancient History:  rd 8pgs
Augustus Caesar's World: The Passover, p 298-Hermann, The German Hero, 308--311
Ben Hur: read through summer
Biog: Winston Churchill (one-twelfth of bk)
The Sea Around Us: ch. 13 rd entire chapter
It Couldn't Just Happen: ch 19
Favorite Poems Old and New (student choice)
Plutarch or Shakespeare: read slowly through a life or a play for the term
Age of Fable: ch 41 druids
Joel, A Boy... ch 16, 17
Tales of Greece: rd 1 chapter
Michael Faraday: Father of Electronics- Read one chapter this week
Ben Hur: rd approx 6 chapters this week
Week 36
New Testament
Student Bible Guide to Jerusalem (4pgs)
Story of the Romans by HA Guerber ch 94-102
Oxford First Ancient History:  rd 8pgs
Augustus Caesar's World: Farewell Augustus!, p 312-A New Religion for Rome, 320-325
Biog: Winston Churchill (one-twelfth of bk)
It Couldn’t Just Happen: ch 20 read entire chapter
The Sea Around Us: ch 14 Finish book
Favorite Poems Old and New (student choice)
Plutarch or Shakespeare: read slowly through a life or a play for the term
Age of Fable: ch 41 iona
Tales of Greece: rd 1 chapter
Michael Faraday: Father of Electronics- Read one chapter this week
Joel, A Boy... Finish book
Ben Hur: rd approx 6 chapters this week

Exam weekWeek 1
Greenleaf Guide to OT History: (5 lessons per wk) begin with lesson 25
Oxford First Ancient History:  Begin with introduction: rd 6 pgs
Pharaohs of Ancient Egypt: (take 2wks to rd) Rediscovery of Ancient Egypt
Riddle of the Rosetta Stone: rd in 2 wks
Tales of Ancient Egypt: read one tale
The Cat of Bubastes: read 1 chapter
Call of the Wild: ch 1
It Couldn't Just Happen: ch 1 first ½
World of Chemistry:  ch 1
Poetry of Robert Frost
Plutarch or Shakespeare: read slowly through a life or a play for the term
Age of Fable: ch 29 Return of Ulysses
The Hobbit: read forward and ch 1
Book Of Marvels: The Occident   ch 1       
Albert Einstein: Ordinary Genius – none this week
Hillyer’s Architecture: rd ch 1

Week 2
Greenleaf Guide to OT History: (5 lessons per wk)
Oxford First Ancient History:  rd 8pgs
Pharaohs of Ancient Egypt: (take 2wks to rd)  Rediscovery of Ancient Egypt
Tales of Ancient Egypt: rd two tales
Riddle of the Rosetta Stone: rd in 2 wks
The Cat of Bubastes: read 2 chapters
Call of the Wild: ch 2
It Couldn’t Just Happen: ch 1
World of Chemistry:  ch 2
Poetry of Robert Frost
Plutarch or Shakespeare: read slowly through a life or a play for the term
Age of Fable: ch 29 the L¾strygonians
The Hobbit: ch 2
Book Of Marvels: The Occident     ch 2,3     
Albert Einstein: Ordinary Genius rd ch 1
Hillyer’s Architecture: rd ch 2

Week 3
Greenleaf Guide to OT History: (5 lessons per wk)
Oxford First Ancient History:  rd 8pgs
Pharaohs of Ancient Egypt: (take 1wkto rd) First Egyptians...
Tales of Ancient Egypt: rd two tales
The Cat of Bubastes: read 2 chapters
Call of the Wild:  ch3a
It Couldn’t Just Happen: ch 2 first ½
World of Chemistry:  ch 3
Poetry of Robert Frost
Plutarch or Shakespeare: read slowly through a life or a play for the term
Age of Fable: ch 29 Scylla and the Charbdis, Calypso
The Hobbit: ch 3
Book Of Marvels: The Occident    ch 4      
Albert Einstein: Ordinary Genius rd ch 2
Hillyer’s Architecture: rd ch 3

Week 4
Greenleaf Guide to OT History: (5 lessons per wk)
Oxford First Ancient History:  rd 8pgs
Pharaohs of Ancient Egypt: (take 2wks to rd) The Good God
Tales of Ancient Egypt: read one tale
The Cat of Bubastes: read 2 chapters
Call of the Wild: ch3b
It Couldn’t Just Happen: ch 2
World of Chemistry:  ch 4
Poetry of Robert Frost
Plutarch or Shakespeare: read slowly through a life or a play for the term
Age of Fable: ch 30 the Ph¾acians spend 2 weeks as needed
The Hobbit: ch 4
Book Of Marvels: The Occident  ch 5,6        
Hillyer’s Architecture: rd ch 4

Week 5
Greenleaf Guide to OT History: (5 lessons per wk)
Oxford First Ancient History:  rd 8pgs
Pharaohs of Ancient Egypt: (take 2wks to rd) "The Good God"
Tales of Ancient Egypt: read two tales
The Cat of Bubastes: read 2 chapters
Call of the Wild: ch4a
It Couldn’t Just Happen: ch  3 first ½
World of Chemistry:  ch 5
Poetry of Robert Frost
Plutarch or Shakespeare: read slowly through a life or a play for the term
Age of Fable: ch 30 the Ph¾acians spend 2 weeks as needed
The Hobbit: ch 5
Book Of Marvels: The ch 7          
Albert Einstein: Ordinary Genius rd ch 3
Hillyer’s Architecture: rd ch 5

Week 6
Greenleaf Guide to OT History: (5 lessons per wk)
Oxford First Ancient History:  rd 8pgs
Pharaohs of Ancient Egypt: (take 1wk to rd)  I Show Thee a Land...
Tales of Ancient Egypt: read two tales
The Cat of Bubastes: read 2 chapters
Call of the Wild:  ch 4b
It Couldn’t Just Happen: ch 3
World of Chemistry:  ch 6
Poetry of Robert Frost
Plutarch or Shakespeare: read slowly through a life or a play for the term
Age of Fable: ch 30 the Fate of the Suitors
The Hobbit: ch 6
Book Of Marvels: The Occident    ch 8,9      
Albert Einstein: Ordinary Genius rd ch 4
Hillyer’s Architecture: rd ch 6

Week 7
Greenleaf Guide to OT History: (5 lessons per wk)
Oxford First Ancient History:  rd 8pgs
Pharaohs of Ancient Egypt: (take 2wks to rd) His Majesty, Herself
Tales of Ancient Egypt: read one tale
The Cat of Bubastes: read 2 chapters
Call of the Wild: ch 5a
It Couldn’t Just Happen: ch 4 first ½
World of Chemistry:  ch 7
Poetry of Robert Frost
Plutarch or Shakespeare: read slowly through a life or a play for the term
Age of Fable: ch 31 Adventures of ®neas
The Hobbit: ch 7
Book Of Marvels: The Occident     ch 10     
Albert Einstein: Ordinary Genius rd ch 5
Hillyer’s Architecture: rd ch 7

Week 8
Greenleaf Guide to OT History: (5 lessons per wk)
Oxford First Ancient History:  rd 8pgs
Pharaohs of Ancient Egypt: (take 2wks to rd)  His Majesty, Herself
Tales of Ancient Egypt: rd two tales
The Cat of Bubastes: read 2 chapters
Call of the Wild:  ch 5b
It Couldn’t Just Happen: ch 4
World of Chemistry:  ch 8
Poetry of Robert Frost
Plutarch or Shakespeare: read slowly through a life or a play for the term
Age of Fable: ch 31 Dido, Palinurus
The Hobbit: ch 8
Book Of Marvels: The Occident      ch 11,12
Albert Einstein: Ordinary Genius skip this week
Hillyer’s Architecture: rd ch 8

Week 9
Greenleaf Guide to OT History: (5 lessons per wk)
Oxford First Ancient History:  rd 8pgs
Pharaohs of Ancient Egypt: (take 1wk to rd) Smiter of the Asiatics
Tales of Ancient Egypt: rd two tales
The Cat of Bubastes: read 2 chapters
Call of the Wild: ch 6a
It Couldn’t Just Happen: ch 5 first ½
World of Chemistry:  ch 9
Poetry of Robert Frost
Plutarch or Shakespeare: read slowly through a life or a play for the term
Age of Fable: ch 32 the Infernal regions spend 2 weeks as needed
The Hobbit: ch 9
Book Of Marvels: The Occident    ch 13,14        
Albert Einstein: Ordinary Genius rd ch 6
Hillyer’s Architecture: rd ch 9

Week 10
Greenleaf Guide to OT History: (5 lessons per wk)
Oxford First Ancient History:  rd 8pgs
Pharaohs of Ancient Egypt: (take 2wks to rd) Criminal of Akhetaton
Tales of Ancient Egypt: read one tale
The Cat of Bubastes: read 2 chapters
Call of the Wild: ch 6b
It Couldn’t Just Happen: ch 5
World of Chemistry:  ch 10
Poetry of Robert Frost
Plutarch or Shakespeare: read slowly through a life or a play for the term
Age of Fable: ch 32 the infernal regions spend 2 weeks as needed
The Hobbit: ch 10
Book Of Marvels: The Occident   ch 15,16        
Albert Einstein: Ordinary Genius rd ch 7
Hillyer’s Architecture: rd ch 10

Week 11
Greenleaf Guide to OT History: (5 lessons per wk)
Oxford First Ancient History:  rd 8pgs
Pharaohs of Ancient Egypt: (take 2wks to rd) Criminal of Akhetaton
Nefertiti the Mystery Queen: 1 wk
Tales of Ancient Egypt: read two tales
The Cat of Bubastes: read 2 chapters
Call of the Wild: ch 7a
It Couldn’t Just Happen: ch 6 first ½
World of Chemistry:  ch 11
Poetry of Robert Frost
Plutarch or Shakespeare: read slowly through a life or a play for the term
Age of Fable: ch 32 elysium, the sibyl
The Hobbit: ch 11
Book Of Marvels: The Occident  ch 17,18        
Albert Einstein: Ordinary Genius rd ch 8
Hillyer’s Architecture: rd ch 11

Week 12
Greenleaf Guide to OT History: (5 lessons per wk)
Oxford First Ancient History:  finish Early Civilizations section
Pharaohs of Ancient Egypt: (take 1wk to rd) Beginning of the End
Secrets of Tut's tomb and the Pyramids: 1 wk
Tales of Ancient Egypt: finish
The Cat of Bubastes: finish
Call of the Wild:  finish
It Couldn’t Just Happen: ch 6
World of Chemistry:  ch 12
Poetry of Robert Frost
Plutarch or Shakespeare: read slowly through a life or a play for the term
Age of Fable: ch 33 camilla, opening the gates, camilla
The Hobbit: ch 12
Book Of Marvels: The Occident     ch 19,20
Albert Einstein: Ordinary Genius rd ch 9

Exam Week

Week 13
Greenleaf Guide to OT History: (5 lessons per wk)
Student Bible Guide (rd 2pgs)
Hittite Warrior: prologue, ch1
Oxford First Ancient History:  rd 8pgs
Story of the Greeks by HA Guerber ch 1-9
Augustus Caesar's World: Janus, XI-XIII/Under a Lucky Star pg 5-The Ides of March, pg10-13 (This book contains sections on the birth of world religions presented from a secular humanist point of view. Parents may wish to cover these sections closely with their children.)
Swiss Family Robinson: ch 1-3
Archimedes and the Door of Science rd ch 1 and 2
It Couldn’t Just Happen: ch 7 first ½
The Sea Around Us-skip chapter one; read first ½ of chapter 2
Poetry of Carl Sandburg
Plutarch or Shakespeare: read slowly through a life or a play for the term
Age of Fable: ch 33 evander, infant rome
Animal Farm: ch 1
The Hobbit: ch 13
Book Of Marvels: The Occident     ch 21,22     
Tales of Troy ch 1
Hillyer’s Architecture: rd ch 12

Week 14
Greenleaf Guide to OT History: (5 lessons per wk)
Student Bible Guide (rd 2pgs)
Hittite Warrior: ch 2,3
Oxford First Ancient History:  rd 8pgs
Story of the Greeks by HA Guerber ch 10-19
Augustus Caesar's World: Cleopatra and her Son, p 14-Cicero, 22-26
Archimedes and the Door of Science: ch 3
Swiss Family Robinson: ch 4-7
It Couldn’t Just Happen: ch 7
The Sea Around Us: ch 2
Plutarch or Shakespeare: read slowly through a life or a play for the term
Age of Fable: ch 33 nisus and euryalus
Animal Farm: ch 2
The Hobbit: ch 14
Book Of Marvels: The Occident   ch 23,24   
Tales of Troy ch 2
Hillyer’s Architecture: rd ch 13

Week 15
Greenleaf Guide to OT History: (5 lessons per wk)
Student Bible Guide (rd 2pgs)
Hittite Warrior: ch  4,5,6
Story of the Greeks by HA Guerber ch 20-29
Oxford First Ancient History:  rd 8pgs
Augustus Caesar's World: Conspirators Without a Plan, p 26-Why is July, 35-40
Swiss Family Robinson: ch 8-10
Archimedes and the Door of Science: ch 4
It Couldn’t Just Happen: ch  8 first ½
The Sea Around Us: ch 3 first ½
Poetry of Carl Sandburg
Plutarch or Shakespeare: read slowly through a life or a play for the term
Age of Fable: ch 33 mezentius, pallas, camilla, turnus
Animal Farm: ch 3
The Hobbit: ch 15
Book Of Marvels: The Occident  ch 25,26    
Tales of Troy ch 3
Hillyer’s Architecture: rd ch 14

Week 16
Greenleaf Guide to OT History: (5 lessons per wk)
Student Bible Guide (rd 2pgs)
Hittite Warrior: ch 7,8
Oxford First Ancient History:  rd 8pgs
Story of the Greeks by HA Guerber ch 30-39
Augustus Caesar's World: Gauls, Geese and Black Vultures, p 41-1/2 of Bloody Finger Prints, 50-54
Swiss Family Robinson: ch
Archimedes and the Door of Science: ch 5
It Couldn’t Just Happen: ch 8
The Sea Around Us ch 3
Poetry of Carl Sandburg
Plutarch or Shakespeare: read slowly through a life or a play for the term
Age of Fable: ch 34 pythagoras
Animal Farm: ch  4
The Hobbit: ch 16
Book Of Marvels: The Occident     ch 27,28     
Tales of Troy ch 4
Hillyer’s Architecture: rd ch 15

Week 17
Greenleaf Guide to OT History: (5 lessons per wk)
Student Bible Guide (rd 2pgs)
Hittite Warrior: ch 9,10,11
Story of the Greeks by HA Guerber ch 40-49
Oxford First Ancient History:  rd 8pgs
Augustus Caesar's World: 1/2 of Bloody Finger Prints, p 55-1/2 of Herod, Future King of the Jews, 66-68
Swiss Family Robinson: ch 11-14
Archimedes and the Door of Science: ch 6
It Couldn’t Just Happen: ch 9 first ½
The Sea Around Us: ch 4 first ½
Poetry of Carl Sandburg
Plutarch or Shakespeare: read slowly through a life or a play for the term
Age of Fable: ch 34 sybaris and crotona, myth of osiris and isis
Animal Farm: ch 5
The Hobbit: ch 17
Book Of Marvels: The Occident     ch 29,30       
Tales of Troy ch 5
Hillyer’s Architecture: rd ch 16

Week 18
Greenleaf Guide to OT History: (5 lessons per wk)
Student Bible Guide (rd 2pgs)
Hittite Warrior: ch 12,13
Oxford First Ancient History:  rd 8pgs
Story of the Greeks by HA Guerber ch 50-58
Augustus Caesar's World: 1/2 of Herod, Future King of the Jews, p 69--Antony and Octavian divide the World, 77-79
Swiss Family Robinson: ch 15-17
Archimedes and the Door of Science: ch 7,8
The Sea Around Us: ch 4
It Couldn’t Just Happen: ch 9
Poetry of Carl Sandburg
Plutarch or Shakespeare: read slowly through a life or a play for the term
Age of Fable: ch 34 oracles-oracle of ¾sculapis
Animal Farm: ch 6
The Hobbit: ch 18
Kon Tiki: read chapter 1
Tales of Troy ch 6
Hillyer’s Architecture: rd ch 17

Week 19
Greenleaf Guide to OT History: (5 lessons per wk)
Student Bible Guide (rd 2pgs)
Hittite Warrior: ch 14,15,16
Oxford First Ancient History:  rd 8pgs
Story of the Greeks by HA Guerber ch 59-66
Augustus Caesar's World: Horace and the Country Mouse, 80-Herod, the Fugitive, 91-92
Swiss Family Robinson: ch 18-21
The Sea Around Us: ch 5 first ½  
Archimedes and the Door of Science: ch 9
It Couldn’t Just Happen: ch 10 rd entire chapter
Poetry of Carl Sandburg
Plutarch or Shakespeare: read slowly through a life or a play for the term
Age of Fable: ch 34 oracle of apis
Animal Farm: ch 7
The Hobbit: ch 19
Tales of Troy ch7
Kon Tiki: ch 2 first half
Hillyer’s Architecture: rd ch 18

Week 20
Greenleaf Guide to OT History: (5 lessons per wk)
Student Bible Guide (rd 2pgs)
Hittite Warrior: ch 17,18
Oxford First Ancient History:  rd 8pgs
Story of the Greeks by HA Guerber ch 68-77
Augustus Caesar's World: Virgil and Isaiah, 93-To Athens and Return, 102-106
Swiss Family Robinson: ch 22-24
Archimedes and the Door of Science: ch 10,11
The Sea Around Us ch. 5
It Couldn’t Just Happen: ch 11 first ½
Poetry of Carl Sandburg
Plutarch or Shakespeare: read slowly through a life or a play for the term
Age of Fable: ch 35 origin of mythology
Animal Farm ch 8
Tales of Troy ch 8
Kon Tiki: ch 2 second half
Hillyer’s Architecture: rd ch 19

Week 21
Greenleaf Guide to OT History: (5 lessons per wk)
Student Bible Guide (rd 2pgs)
Story of the Greeks by HA Guerber ch 78-86
Oxford First Ancient History:  rd 8pgs
Hittite Warrior: ch19,20,21
Augustus Caesar's World: The Future Empress, 107-The Love Story Ends, 117-121
Swiss Family Robinson: ch 25-28
Archimedes and the Door of Science: ch 12
The Sea Around Us: ch 6 first ½
It Couldn’t Just Happen: ch 11
Poetry of Carl Sandburg
Plutarch or Shakespeare: read slowly through a life or a play for the term
Age of Fable: ch 35 statues of the gods-the diana a la biche
Animal Farm ch 9
Kon Tiki: ch 3 first half
Tales of Troy ch9
Hillyer’s Architecture: rd ch 20

Week 22
Greenleaf Guide to OT History: (5 lessons per wk)
Student Bible Guide (rd 2pgs)
Story of the Greeks by HA Guerber ch 87-96
Hittite Warrior: ch 22,23
Oxford First Ancient History:  rd 8pgs
Augustus Caesar's World: Herod and Mariamne, 122-Augustus Caesar, 133-136
Swiss Family Robinson: ch ch 29-31
The Sea Around Us ch. 6
Archimedes and the Door of Science: ch 13
It Couldn’t Just Happen: ch 12 first ½
Poetry of Carl Sandburg
Plutarch or Shakespeare: read slowly through a life or a play for the term
Age of Fable: ch 35 the poets of mythology-ovid
Animal Farm ch 10
Kon Tiki: ch 3 second half
Tales of Troy ch 10
Hillyer’s Architecture: rd ch 21

Week 23
Greenleaf Guide to OT History: (5 lessons per wk)
Student Bible Guide (rd 2pgs)
Story of the Greeks by HA Guerber ch 97-106
Oxford First Ancient History:  rd 8pgs
Hittite Warrior: ch 24,25,26
Augustus Caesar's World: The Druids, 137-1/2 of The Pantheon, 147-148
Swiss Family Robinson: ch 32-35
The Sea Around Us ch. 7 first ½
Archimedes and the Door of Science: ch 14 and Archimedes’ Writings
It Couldn’t Just Happen: ch 12
Poetry of Carl Sandburg
Plutarch or Shakespeare: read slowly through a life or a play for the term
Age of Fable: ch 36 modern monstres, the phoenix, the cockatrice
Animal Farm: Finish book
Kon Tiki:  ch 4 first half
Tales of Troy ch11
Hillyer’s Architecture: rd ch 22

Week 24
Greenleaf Guide to OT History: (5 lessons per wk)
Student Bible Guide (rd 4pgs)
Story of the Greeks by HA Guerber ch 107-115
Oxford First Ancient History:  Finish Greece section
Hittite Warrior ch ch 27,28
Tales of Troy ch 12
Augustus Caesar's World: 1/2 of The Pantheon, 149-Who were the Roman Gods: Mars, 160-161
Swiss Family Robinson: ch ch 36-38
It Couldn't Just Happen: catch up if needed
The Sea Around Us: ch 7
Archimedes and the Door of Science
Poetry of Carl Sandburg
Plutarch or Shakespeare: read slowly through a life or a play for the term
Age of Fable: ch 36 the unicorn, the salamander
Kon Tiki: ch 4 second half

 Exam Week

Week 25
Greenleaf Guide to OT History: (5 lessons per wk)
Student Bible Guide to Jerusalem (2pgs)
Story of the Romans by HA Guerber ch 1-8
Oxford First Ancient History:  rd 8pgs
Augustus Caesar's World: Jupiter, 162-Out of Persia, p 170-174
Biog: Winston Churchill (one-twelfth of bk)
The Sea Around Us ch. 8 first ½
It Couldn’t Just Happen: ch 13 rd entire chapter
Favorite Poems Old and New (student choice)
Plutarch or Shakespeare: read slowly through a life or a play for the term
Age of Fable: ch 37 zoroaster, hindu mythology
Joel, A 1.
Kon Tiki: Ch 5 first half
Tales of Greece: rd 1 chapter
Michael Faraday: Father of Electronics- Read two chapters this week
Hillyer’s Architecture: rd ch 23
Ben Hur: you will read throughout term and possibly summer
                rd approx 6 ch wkly

Week 26
Greenleaf Guide to OT History: (5 lessons per wk)
Student Bible Guide to Jerusalem (2pgs)
Oxford First Ancient History:  rd 8pgs
Story of the Romans by HA Guerber ch 9-17
Augustus Caesar's World: We Still Call it Sunday, p 174-1/2 of the Law of Moses, 186-188
Biog: Winston Churchill (one-twelfth of bk)
The Sea Around Us ch. 8
It Couldn’t Just Happen: ch 14 rd first ½
Favorite Poems Old and New (student choice)
Plutarch or Shakespeare: read slowly through a life or a play for the term
Age of Fable: ch 37 vishnu-castes
Joel, A Boy... ch 2,3
Kon Tiki: chapter 5 second half
Michael Faraday: Father of Electronics- Read one chapter this week
Hillyer’s Architecture: rd ch 24
Ben Hur: rd approx 6 chapters this week
Week 27
Greenleaf Guide to OT History: (5 lessons per wk)
Student Bible Guide to Jerusalem (2pgs)
Story of the Romans by HA Guerber ch 18-26
Oxford First Ancient History:  rd 8pgs
Augustus Caesar's World: 1/2 of the Law of Moses, p 189-1/2 of A Roman Emperor, 199-201
Biog: Winston Churchill (one-twelfth of bk)
The Sea Around Us ch. 9 first ½
It Couldn’t Just Happen: ch 14
Favorite Poems Old and New (student choice)
Plutarch or Shakespeare: read slowly through a life or a play for the term
Age of Fable: ch 37 buddha-prester john
Joel, A 4 
Kon Tiki: ch6 first half
Tales of Greece: rd 1 chapter
Michael Faraday: Father of Electronics- Read one chapter this week
Hillyer’s Architecture: rd ch 25
Ben Hur: rd approx 6 chapters this week
Week 28
Greenleaf Guide to OT History: (5 lessons per wk)
Student Bible Guide to Jerusalem (2pgs)
Story of the Romans by HA Guerber ch 27-35
Oxford First Ancient History:  rd 8pgs
Augustus Caesar's World: 1/2 of A Roman Emperor, 199-202-Philo and the Lighthouse, 210-214
Biog: Winston Churchill (one-twelfth of bk)
Favorite Poems Old and New (student choice)
Plutarch or Shakespeare: read slowly through a life or a play for the term
Age of Fable: ch 38 northern mythology, the joys of valhalla
It Couldn’t Just Happen: ch 15 first ½
The Sea Around Us: ch 9
Joel, A Boy...5,6
Kon Tiki: ch6 second half
Tales of Greece: rd 1 chapter
Michael Faraday: Father of Electronics- Read one chapter this week
Hillyer’s Architecture: rd ch 26
Ben Hur: rd approx 6 chapters this week
Week 29
Greenleaf Guide to OT History: (5 lessons per wk)
Student Bible Guide to Jerusalem (2pgs)
Story of the Romans by HA Guerber ch 36-43
Oxford First Ancient History:  rd 8pgs
Augustus Caesar's World: Questions and Answers, 215-Stepsons and Stars, 224-227
Biog: Winston Churchill (one-twelfth of bk)
The Sea Around Us ch. 10 first ½
It Couldn’t Just Happen: ch 15
Plutarch or Shakespeare: read slowly through a life or a play for the term
Age of Fable: ch 38 the valkyrior-how thor paid his wages
Favorite Poems Old and New (student choice)
Joel, A Boy... ch 7
Kon Tiki: ch 7 first half
Tales of Greece: rd 1 chapter
Michael Faraday: Father of Electronics- Read one chapter this week
Hillyer’s Architecture: rd ch 27
Ben Hur: rd approx 6 chapters this week
Week 30
Greenleaf Guide to OT History: (5 lessons per wk)
Student Bible Guide to Jerusalem (2pgs)
Story of the Romans by HA Guerber ch 44-51
Oxford First Ancient History:  rd 8pgs
Augustus Caesar's World: Strabo and the World, 228-1/2 of Children of the Sun, 239-240
Biog: Winston Churchill (one-twelfth of bk)
The Sea Around Us ch. 10
It Couldn’t Just Happen: ch 16 first ½
Favorite Poems Old and New (student choice)
Plutarch or Shakespeare: read slowly through a life or a play for the term
Age of Fable: ch 38 the recovery of the hammer
Joel, A Boy... 8,9
Kon Tiki:ch 7 second half
Tales of Greece: rd 1 chapter
Michael Faraday: Father of Electronics- Read one chapter this week
Hillyer’s Architecture: rd ch 28
Ben Hur: rd approx 6 chapters this week

Week 31
Greenleaf Guide to OT History: (5 lessons per wk)
Student Bible Guide to Jerusalem (2pgs)
Story of the Romans by HA Guerber ch 52-60
Oxford First Ancient History:  rd 8pgs
Augustus Caesar's World: 1/2 of Children of the Sun, 241-1/2 of Land of the Dragon, 250-253
Biog: Winston Churchill (one-twelfth of bk)
The Sea Around Us ch. 11 first ½
It Couldn’t Just Happen: ch 16
Favorite Poems Old and New (student choice)
Plutarch or Shakespeare: read slowly through a life or a play for the term
Age of Fable: ch 39 thor's visit to jotunheim spend 2 weeks as needed
Joel, A Boy   ch 10
Kon Tiki: ch 8 first half
Tales of Greece: rd 1 chapter
Michael Faraday: Father of Electronics- Read one chapter this week
Hillyer’s Architecture: rd ch 29
Ben Hur: rd approx 6 chapters this week
Week 32
Greenleaf Guide to OT History: (5 lessons per wk)
Student Bible Guide to Jerusalem (2pgs)
Story of the Romans by HA Guerber ch 61-68
Oxford First Ancient History:  rd 8pgs
Augustus Caesar's World: 1/2 of Land of the Dragon, 254-Of India and the Hindus, 258-266
Biog: Winston Churchill (one-twelfth of bk)
It Couldn’t Just Happen: ch 17 read entire chapter
The Sea Around Us: ch 11
Favorite Poems Old and New (student choice)
Plutarch or Shakespeare: read slowly through a life or a play for the term
Age of Fable: ch 39 thor's visit to jotunheim spend 2 weeks as needed
Joel, A 11, 12 
Kon Tiki: ch8 second half
Tales of Greece: rd 1 chapter
Michael Faraday: Father of Electronics- Read one chapter this week
Hillyer’s Architecture: Finish book
Ben Hur: rd approx 6 chapters this week
Week 33
Greenleaf Guide to OT History: (5 lessons per wk)
Student Bible Guide to Jerusalem (2pgs)
Story of the Romans by HA Guerber ch 69-76
Oxford First Ancient History:  rd 8pgs
Augustus Caesar's World: Buddha and the Kingdom of Truth, 267-Tiberius, 282
Biog: Winston Churchill (one-twelfth of bk)
Ben Hur-begin now a read throughout the summer
The Sea Around Us ch. 12 first ½
It Couldn’t Just Happen: ch 18 read entire chapter
Favorite Poems Old and New (student choice)
Plutarch or Shakespeare: read slowly through a life or a play for the term
Age of Fable: ch 40 death of baldur
Joel, A Boy... ch 13
Kon Tiki:  finish book
Tales of Greece: rd 1 chapter
Michael Faraday: Father of Electronics- Read one chapter this week
Ben Hur: rd approx 6 chapters this week
Week 34
Greenleaf Guide to OT History: (5 lessons per wk)
Student Bible Guide to Jerusalem (2pgs)
Story of the Romans by HA Guerber ch 77-85
Augustus Caesar's World: A Boy of Nazareth, 283-On the German Border, 295-298
Oxford First Ancient History:  rd 8pgs
Biog: Winston Churchill (one-twelfth of bk)
The Sea Around Us ch. 12
It Couldn’t Just Happen: ch 19 first ½
Favorite Poems Old and New (student choice)
Plutarch or Shakespeare: read slowly through a life or a play for the term
Age of Fable: ch 40 funeral of baldur-iceland
Joel, A 14, 15
Tales of Greece: rd 1 chapter
Michael Faraday: Father of Electronics- Read one chapter this week
Ben Hur: rd approx 6 chapters this week
Week 35
New Testament
Student Bible Guide to Jerusalem (2pgs)
Story of the Romans by HA Guerber ch 86-93
Oxford First Ancient History:  rd 8pgs
Augustus Caesar's World: The Passover, p 298-Hermann, The German Hero, 308--311
Ben Hur: read through summer
Biog: Winston Churchill (one-twelfth of bk)
The Sea Around Us: ch. 13 rd entire chapter
It Couldn't Just Happen: ch 19
Favorite Poems Old and New (student choice)
Plutarch or Shakespeare: read slowly through a life or a play for the term
Age of Fable: ch 41 druids
Joel, A Boy... ch 16, 17
Tales of Greece: rd 1 chapter
Michael Faraday: Father of Electronics- Read one chapter this week
Ben Hur: rd approx 6 chapters this week
Week 36
New Testament
Student Bible Guide to Jerusalem (4pgs)
Story of the Romans by HA Guerber ch 94-102
Oxford First Ancient History:  rd 8pgs
Augustus Caesar's World: Farewell Augustus!, p 312-A New Religion for Rome, 320-325
Biog: Winston Churchill (one-twelfth of bk)
It Couldn’t Just Happen: ch 20 read entire chapter
The Sea Around Us: ch 14 Finish book
Favorite Poems Old and New (student choice)
Plutarch or Shakespeare: read slowly through a life or a play for the term
Age of Fable: ch 41 iona
Tales of Greece: rd 1 chapter
Michael Faraday: Father of Electronics- Read one chapter this week
Joel, A Boy... Finish book
Ben Hur: rd approx 6 chapters this week

Exam week